Published Works

Luis J. Rodriguez: List of Published Works by Medium (Poetry, Essays, Fiction, Recordings, Reportage), 1972 to present


From Our Land to Our Land: Essays, Journeys & Imaginings from a Native Xicanx Writer, Seven Stories Press, New York City; January 2020.

Borrowed Bones: New Poems from the Poet Laureate of Los Angeles. Forward by Martin Espada. Chapbook by Curbstone Books/Northwestern University Press; Spring 2016; Chicago.

The Concrete River: Words by Luis J. Rodriguez, pictures by Sasha Kopelowitz; 2014, Ink Brick Press, New York.Limited edition art chapbook of poem “The Concrete River.”

It Calls You Back: An Odyssey Through Love, Addiction, Revolutions, and Healing: (memoir; hardcover fall 2011, paperback July 2012) Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster, NYC) also E-book from Touchstone Books and audio book from Dreamscape (narrated by actor Jacobo Vargas). Finalist for a 2012 National Book Critics Circle Book Award in autobiography.

Making Medicine: A Poem: Fall 2008 (signed and numbered limited edition hand-made art book), C & C Press, Pajaro, CA.

My Nature is Hunger: New & Selected Poems 1989-2004: Fall 2005, Curbstone Press/Rattle Edition, Willimantic, CT; Winner: 2006 Paterson Poetry Prize; Finalist, Binghamton University Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award; Accepted in the California Collections/California Readers; rights sold to Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL; e-book from Open Road Integrated Media, NYC.

Seven and Two Women (with a Spanish version called Dos Mujeres, translated by Jorge Martinez and Trini Rodriguez, books created by Sher Zabaszkiewicz and Matt Cohen, C & C Press, Santa Barbara, CA; June 25, 2005, presented at Tia Chucha’s Café Cultural, Sylmar, CA; three special collectors’ limited art books, with paper created out of Rodriguez’s T-shirts, hand-bound, letter-pressed using polymer plates and linoleum cuts. Only 50 copies made of each book. Several broadsides of the poems were also created, numbered and signed by Luis Rodriguez. Poems: “Chuparosa (Hummingbird), “Time & Nature” (for Two Women/Dos Mujeres) and (for Seven).

Music of the Mill: A Novel: Hardcover: Spring 2005, Rayo Books/HarperCollins; paperback, Spring 2006: Chosen as one of the Best Books of 2005, Chicago Tribune; Listed in Paperback Row, April 2006, in the New York Times; also recipient of a 2006 Eighth Annual International Latino Book Award in the Best Novel--Historical Fiction category (one of three); Finalist, PEN USA Literary Awards in Fiction, 2006; 2008 International Latino Book Award for Best Adventure Novel in Spanish (Musica de la aceria)

My Nature is Hunger: Poems by Luis J. Rodriguez: Special edition of new poems published by the US Embassy, Berlin, for the Advanced English teachers at the “Re-writing America” conference in Blaubeuren, Germany, November 2004.

The Republic of East L.A.: Stories: Rayo/HarperCollins; NYC; hardcover in April 2002; short Story Collection. 2003 PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Book Award; Selected by the Los Angeles Times as one of the best books of the West for 2002; 2002 Book Sense selection for July/August; 2003 Book Sense selection (English paperback appeared March 2003; Spanish version, translated by Alfonso Gonzales, in March 2003; selected as Book of the Month for March for “Despierta Leyendo” segment of “Despierta America,” TV morning show, Univision International).

Hearts and Hands: Creating Community in Violent Times: Seven Stories Press, NYC; November 2001. Nonfiction Book; Finalist for 2002 Independent Publisher Book Award in the Multicultural Nonfiction Category; core book for the “Breaking the Cycle with Dignity” Program, certified by the State of California for juvenile detention facilities (2006); reprinted 2014 by Seven Stories Press with cover art by Ramiro “Rah Azul” Hernandez.

It Doesn't Have To Be This Way: A Barrio Story / No tiene que ser asi: una historia del barrio: Illustrated, bilingual children's book in August 1999 by Children's Book Press, San Francisco and in 2012 by Lee & Low Publishers, NYC; artist: Daniel Galvez. 1999 Parent's Choice Approved Winner for Children's Books; 2000 Skipping Stones Magazine's Honor Award for Multicultural and International Literature; 1999 Americas Award Commended Title for Best Book for Children; Book of Month, Holyoke Public Schools, Holyoke, MA (January 2007); spring 2012 reissued by Lee & Low Books, NYC.

Trochemoche: New Poems: Poetry collection in June 1998 by Curbstone Press. 1999 ForeWord magazine's Silver Award for Poetry Book of the Year; rights sold to Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL; e-book from Open Road Integrated Media, NYC.

América Is Her Name / Le llaman América: Children's book, English and Spanish versions, illustrated, in May 1998 by Curbstone Press, CT.; artist: Carlos Vasquez; translater: Tito Villanueva; winner of 1999 Paterson Books for Young People Book Award; 1999 Skipping Stone Magazine Honor Award; 1999 Bank Street List of Best Children's Books for 1998.

Always Running: La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A./ La vida loca: el testimonio de un pandillero en Los Angeles: Nonfiction memoir published by (hardcover) Curbstone Press, Willimantic, CT, February/1993; (paperback) Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster; NYC; also published in Great Britain by Marion Boyars, February/1994; also a Spanish version, translated by Ricardo Aguilar Melantzon and Ana Brewington for Simon & Schuster in 1994 for the U.S. and Grupo Editorial Planeta in Mexico (under title “Siempre corriendo”). Winner: 1994 Chicago Sun-Times First Prose Book Award; 1994 Choice Magazine's Outstanding Academic Books List; 1993 Carl Sandburg Literary Award for Non-Fiction; 1993 New York Times Book Review Notable Book; 1994 New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age. Audiobook, ready by Luis J. Rodriguez, released in late 2011 by Dreamscape Audiobooks; e-book from Open Road Integrated Media, NYC.

The Concrete River: Poetry collection published by Curbstone Press, Willimantic, CT, June, 1991 Winner: 1991 PEN West/Josephine Miles Literary; honorable mention, Paterson Poetry Prize; 2010 rights to Northwestern University Press; e-book from Open Road Integrated Media, NYC.

Poems Across The Pavement: Poetry collection published by Tia Chucha Press, Chicago, IL, December 1989, cover art by Gamaliel Ramirez. Winner: 1989 Poetry Center Book Award, San Francisco State University (with Adrian Louis); reprinted as 25th anniversary edition with cover photograph by Violet Soto, Tia Chucha Press, Los Angeles, March 2014.

Books as Editor:

-Rushing Waters, Rising Dreams: How the Arts are Transforming a Community”

Edited by Denise Sandoval, Ph.D., and Luis J. Rodriguez; 2012 Tia Chucha Press, Sylmar, CA. With essays, poetry, photography, and artwork by various authors (winner Bronze for multicultural nonfiction book from Independent Publishers of America; winner PEN Josephine Miles Literary Award).

-Honor Comes Hard: Writings from California Prison System’s Honor Yard

Edited by Luis J. Rodriguez and Lucinda Thomas; 2009 Tia Chucha Press; Sylmar CA; writings from Level 4 prisoners of the Lancaster State Prison, Los Angeles County, CA.

-Power Lines: A Decade of Poetry from Chicago's Guild Complex

Edited by Julia Parson-Nesbitt, Luis Rodriguez, and Michael Warr; Fall 1999; Tia Chucha Press, Chicago

-With The Wind At My Back And Ink In My Blood: A Collection of Poems by Chicago's Homeless

Edited by Luis J. Rodriguez, published by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Chicago IL; December 1991


--Full stage production of “Always Running” by Luis J. Rodriguez and Hector Rodriguez; directed by Hector Rodriguez; Casa 0101 Theater, Boyle Heights, Los Angeles; August 31 to November 24, 2019

      --Luis Rodriguez’s one man poetry-play, “Notes of a Bald Cricket,” John Anson Ford Intimate Theater, Hollywood CA; directed by Ruben Guevara; ??

      --One-man staged production of “Always Running” written by Jose Gonzales, Cornerstone Theater, Los Angeles, staring Jonathan Del Arco, Mark Taper Auditorium, Los Angeles Public Library, and Ivar Theatre, Hollywood. 2003 to 2005.

      --Use of Luis J. Rodriguez poems in Metaphoria: Poetry Theater with a Twist,” Firehouse Theater, Latino Theater Company, Chicago; directed by Juan Ramirez. 1989

      Blue Ryder Theater Festival, Oak Park, IL 1990

      Club Lower Links, Chicago. 1989

Magazines & Newspapers:

Alta: Journal of Alta California

      Summer 2022, Issue 20; San Francisco CA

      Essay: “Books Were by Saving Grace”

Los Angeles Times

      August 22, 2021, Los Angeles CA

      Op-Ed: “500 years after Cortes, our Indigenous Roots live on”

Yes! Magazine (online)

      August 20, 2021; Editor Sonali Kolhatkar:

      Opinion: “How to Prevent Crime Without Relying on Police”

University of the Poor Journal (online)

      Spring 2021; Chicago IL

      Article: “The ‘Imagine a New California” Campaign for Governor”

Pratik: A Magazine of Contemporary Writing

      Vol: XVII / No. 2-3, Summer-Fall 2021;

Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet (Himalayan Culture)

      Poem: “Love Poem to Los Angeles”

Spandana: The Book

      Number 1; L.T. Beauchamp Publishing; Chicago

      Poem: “Watts Bleeds”

      Essay: “As truth fades, so does the country”

Rosebud Literary Magazine

      Issue 68; Spring 2021; Cambridge, WI

      Poems: “Make a Poem Cry” and “The Peace of Death in Life”

Angels Flight: Literary West (online magazine)

      February 1, 2021; Los Angeles; Editor: Luivette Resto

      Essay: “Letter to L.A.: This is a Movement, Not a Moment”

Los Angeles Times

      January 18, 2021

      Opinion: “Let’s Take a Knee for America”

The University of Arizona Poetry Center Blog

      Essay: “Exploring the relationship between imaginative language and belonging”

Better Angels Magazine

      Southern California News Group (supplement to LA Daily News, Pasadena Star News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Orange County Register, San Bernardino Sun,

      Riverside Press-Telegram, and more); Frank Pine, Executive Editor; Samantha Dunn, Editor; Summer 2020 (July 26)

     Opinion: “Vision Quest for a More Perfect Union” by Luis J. Rodriguez (also in same issue a Samantha Dunn interview with Trini Rodriguez, “Getting on the Same Page: Can a book club help create

     societal change?”

World Literature Today

      Autumn 2019; Volume 93, Number 4; University of Oklahoma, Norman

      Essay: “From Our Land to Our Land”

ALTA magazine

      Fall 2019

      Poem: “Make a Poem Cry”

Westways Magazine

      July/August 2018; Automobile Club of Southern California, Los Angeles CA

      Essay: “Lowrider Love: An L.A. Poet reflects on one of SoCal’s gifts to the world”

december: A Literary Legacy since 1958

      Volume 29.1, Spring/Summer 2018, St. Louis, MO; Luis J. Rodriguez, judge, for Jeff Marks Memorial Poetry Prize

Verdict: National Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals

      Vol. 23, No. 4, October 2017; Moreland Hills, Ohio

      Essay: “Gang Injunctions—Over 30 Years of Using Laws to Push Out Poor Communities of Color”

San Francisco Chronicle

      By David Roderick, August 25, 2017; Article and Poem: “State Lines: Luis J. Rodriguez’s ‘Heavy Blue Veins: Watts, 1959’”

Unamuno Author Series # 17

      Poetry by Luis J. Rodriguez and Kathleen Flenniken; Sponsored by Catedral del Redentor, published by Desperate Literature Bookstore, Madrid, Spain; May 2017; Poems: “Words,” “Heavy Blue Veins, 1959,” “Moonlight to Water,” “When a Poet Appears,” “The Dance,” “Two Sonnets”

Latino Heritage Month Calendar and Cultural Guide, 2016

      Booklet, LA City’s Department of Cultural Affairs; Poem: “Love Poem to Los Angeles”

Los Angeles Public Library website

      Weblog by Luis J. Rodriguez, June 18 2016:

      Poem: “Poem for a New Dream: In the Aftermath of the Pulse Nightclub Massacre, Orlando, Florida, June 12, 2016”

Rattle Magazine

      Volume 22, No. 2; Summer 2016; Studio City CA; Poem: “Love Poem to Los Angeles”

Beyond Baroque 6th Annual George Drury Smith Awards Dinner Program

      Beyond Baroque Books, April 2016, Venice CA; Poems: “People’s Sonnets” #1 and 2 

Big Read Program in Los Angeles

      March 30, 2016, Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, declaring Raymond Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” as L.A.’s 2016

      Big Read book; Poem: “People’s Sonnet #5”

Poetic Address to the Nation 2016

      Together We Create/United States Department of Culture; February 2016; New York City; Poem: “People’s Sonnet #5”

Edgar Allan Poet Journal #3

      Los Angeles Edition; Editors Apryl Skies & Danny Baker; Sherman Oaks CA; Fall 2011

      Poem: “Heavy Blue Veins, Watts, 1959,” “The Dance Called La Trini,” “Fevered Shapes,” “Moonlight to Water”

Virginia Quarterly Review

       Summer 2015 Issue: California and the Imagination;

       Poems: “Fevered Shapes,” “Heavy Blue Veins: Watts, 1959”

The Brooklyn Rail: Critical Perspectives on Arts, Politics, and Culture

      April 2, 2015; guest editor: Bob Holman

      Poem: “People’s State of the Union Sonnet”

West Hollywood National Poetry Month Banner

      April 2015, curated by poet Steven Reigns, along Santa Monica Blvd. with 22 other poets.

      From “Making Medicine”: “The medicine is already inside us”

Catamaran Literary Reader

     Vol. 2, No. 4, Fall 2014, Santa Cruz CA

     Poem: "This Love"

Hinchas De Poesia (online literary magazine)

      No. 14, September 2014:

      Poem: “This Dance Known as La Trini”

Brooklyn & Boyle Magazine

      Edited by Abel Salas; Boyle Heights, Los Angeles; August/September 2013

      Essay: “A Threaded Life: Memory of the Chicano Moratorium”

The Guardian (online)

      August 26, 2013; New York City/London

      Essay: “Martin Luther King’s Movement was a wake up call for Latinos”

L.A. Weekly

      July 10, 2013, Los Angeles CA

      Commentary: “18 L.A. Literary Figures Pick Their Favorite L.A. Novels”

Frying Pan/Northeast Los Angeles News (print and online)

      July 11 2013, Highland Park CA

      Poem: “The Face on the Radio”

Blackmailpress (online)

      New Zealand Poets on Line; Issue #34, March 2013

      Poems: “Fevered Shapes,” “Perhaps,” “Machu Picchu – or what I should have become when the ancient stone walls and clouded

      heights named my blood,” and “Words.”

Beltway Poetry Quarterly (online)

      Floricanto Issue, Volume 13, Number 1, Winter 2012

      Poem: “Piece by Piece”

Platte River Review

      Vol. 33, No. 1; 2012; University of Nebraska, Kearney NE

      Senior Editor: A.A. Hedge Coke

      Poem: “Moonlight to Water”

Revolutionary Network

      Newsletter of the Network for Revolutionary Change, December 7, 2012; Chicago IL

      Article: “The Election This Time”

Huizache: The Magazine of Latino Literature

      Fall 2012

      Centro Victoria, Victoria Texas; Founded by Dagoberto Gilb

      Poems: “Moonlight to Water” and “Fevered Shapes”

The Progressive Magazine

      April 2012; Volume 76, Number 4; Madison, WI

      Essay: “Banned in Tucson”

The Huffington Post (online)

      April 30, 2012; Latino Voices

      Essay: “Twenty Years After the Los Angeles Riots”

Huffington Post Latino Politics (online)

      January 18, 2012; Latino Voices

      Opinion: “Arizona’s Attack on Chicano History and Culture is Against Everyone”

Beltway Poetry Quarterly (online)

      Floricanto Issue, Volume 13, Number 1, Winter 2012

      Poem: “Piece by Piece”

Huffington Post (online)

      January 4, 2012; Latino Voices;

      Opinion: “What 2012 Means” (also re-posted on 1-19-2012 at Political Mosaic.Com)

The Progressive Magazine

      December 2011 & January 2012; Volume 75; Number 12/01

      Essay: “Upholding the Big Dreams," contribution to “Our Favorite Books of 2011”

The Progressive Magazine

      October 2011; Number 75, Issue 10; Madison, WI

      Feature: “Don’t Throw Away the Key: Why Life Without Parole is Cruel and Unusual.”

The Progressive (online)

      October 8, 2011; Madison, WI

      Reprint of blog post: “Occupy Wall Street—Between the Big Dream and Program”

Huffington Post (Online)

      September 15, 2011; Huff Post Latino Voices

      Opinion Piece: “Latino Heritage Month: Who We Are… And Why We Celebrate”

Huffington Post (Online)

      August 30, 2011; Huff Post Latino Voices

      Opinion: “Why We Need a Deeper Dialogue on Black-and-Brown Relations”

Mas Tequila Review (Poetry for the rest of us)

      Winter 2011; Issue #2; Albuquerque, NM

      Poem: “Fevered Shapes”

Fox News Latino (online)

      June 17, 2011;

      Opinion: “Luis J. Rodriguez: The Sins of the Father”

Fox News Latino (online)

      March 28, 2011;

      Opinion: “Arizona Teacher's Letter is Sleepy Lagoon All Over Again”

The Progressive

      March 2011; Volume 75, Number 3; Madison, WI p. 16

      Last “Writing to America” column: “Hate Bleeds Out of Arizona”

McClatchy Washington Bureau

      Posted January 21, 2011

      Commentary: “Arizona contains other hatreds, too.”

Tri-City Herald

      Kennewick, WA

      Opinion: “Arizona Contains Other Hatreds, Too”

La Porte County Herald-Argus

      La Porte, Indiana

      Opinion: “Arizona Contains Other Hatreds, Too”

The Charleston Gazette

      Charleston, WV

      Opinion: “Arizona Contains Other Hatreds, Too”

Janesville The Gazette

      Janesville, WI

      Opinion: “Arizona Contains Other Hatreds, Too”

Wyoming Tribune Eagle

      Cheyenne, WY

      Opinion: “Arizona Contains Other Hatreds, Too”

Columbus Telegram

      Columbus, NE

      Opinion: “Shooting in Arizona Just Part of The Hatred There”

The Chronicle

      Willimantic, CT

      Opinion: “Hatred and Violence Affect Many in Arizona”

The Monitor

      McAllen, TX

      Opinion: “Hatred of Brown People Becoming National Trend”

Norwalk Reflector

      Norwalk, Ohio

      Opinion: “Arizona Contains Other Hatreds, Too”

The Progressive

      February 2011; Vol. 75, No. 2.; Madison, WI p. 16-18

      “Writing to America” column: “We're not all alike”

The Progressive

      November 2010; Vol. 74, No. 11; Madison, WI, p. 21-22

      Writing to America column: “Rage Erupts in LA”

Poetry & Revolutionary

      Fall 2011; Los Angeles, CA; Number 1

      Essay: “Poetry and Revolution”

The Progressive

      September 2010, Vol. 74, No. 9, Madison, WI, p. 20-21

      Writing to America column: “Lessons of the Moratorium”

The Progressive

      July 2010, Vol. 74, No. 7, Madison, WI, p. 18-19

      Writing to America column: “Legislating Hate”

The Progressive

      May 2010, Vol. 74, No. 5, Madison, WI, p.14-15

      Writing to America column: “Finding Hope in Juarez”

The Progressive

      March 2010, Vol. 74, No. 3, Madison, WI, P. 19-20

      Writing to America column: “Slurring Spanish”

The Progressive

      December 2009/January 2010, Volume 73, Number 12, Madison, WI, p. 18-20

      Writing to America column: “Back to the Mill”

The Progressive

      December 2009/January 2010, Volume 73, Number 12, Madison, WI, p. 66

      Entry in “Our Favorite Books 2009”

Luvina Magazine

      No. 57, Winter 2009, University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

      Story: “Este frio, este amargo frio” (“This Cold, This Bitter Cold”)

The Progressive

      October 2009; Volume 71, Number 10, Madison, WI, p-14-16

      Writing to America column: “Behind the Prison Riot”

BigOfeature (online)

      September 19, 2007, Singapore,

      Opinion: “Keeping At-Risk Kids Out of Jail—It's An Art”

Los Angeles Times

      September 9, 2009, Opinion Section

      “A Helping Hand, Not Handcuffs: Gang injunctions funnel teens into jail. Why not try some old-fashioned care and attention?”

Native Resistance! (online)

      August 31, 2009,

      Reprint of LJR website blog: “The Power of Personal Healing”     

The Progressive

      August 2009; Volume 71, Number 8, Madison, WI, p.15-16

      Writing to America column: “Where We Don't Rub Shoulders”

The People's Tribune

      July 2009, Volume 36, Number 7

      Poem: Excerpt from “Nightfall”

The Progressive

      June 2009, Volume 71, Number 6, Madison, WI, pg. 15-16

      Writing to America column: “Borderline Disorder”

Homeboy Review

      Homeboy Industries, Los Angeles, CA (Vol. 1, No.1), Spring 2009

      Poems: “Moonlight to Water,” “Fevered Shapes,” “Perhaps,” “Machu Picchu: Or what I should have become when the mountains

      claimed my name,” “Making Medicine.”

Milestones: The Voices of East Los and Beyond

      East Los Angeles College literary magazine, Spring 2008

      Poems: “Fevered Shapes,” “Perhaps”

The Progressive

      April 2009, 100th Year Anniversary Edition, Madison, WI

      Short piece: “A Single Movement”

People's Tribune

      March 2009, Volume 36, No. 3

      Poem: Excerpt from “Nightfall”

The Panama News (online)

      Volume 15, Number 7, April 7, 2009; Panama, Central America

      Essay: “Youth Promise Act—A Real Step in the Right Direction”

The People's Tribune

      May 2009, Vol. 36, No. 5

      Essay: “Cinco de Mayo: A Time to Reflect”

The Progressive

      March 2009; Volume 72, Number 3, Madison, WI, Pgs. 17-18

      Essay: “In Hard Times, Turn to Art”

The Progressive

      December 2008; Volume 71, Number 12, Madison, WI, Pg. 38

      Essay: “My Favorite Books of 2008”

The Progressive

      December 2008; Volume 71, Number 12, Madison, WI, Pg. 18

      Essay: “A Well of Strength”

Brooklyn & Boyle: Art and Life in Boyle Heights

      Boyle Heights, LA, CA; Editor: Abel Salas; October/November 2008, Premier issue, Vol. 1, No. 1

      Essay: “Memorias de Boyle Heights/Memories of Boyle Heights”

Statement Magazine

      Winter 2008; Cal State University, Los Angeles, CA

      Poem: “Dance or Die”

The Panama News (online)

      Volume 14, Number 19; October 5, 2008; Panama, Central America

      Essay: “The financial fall out—and where do we go from here?”

The Progressive

      September 2008; Volume 72, Number 9, Madison, WI, Pg. 18

      Column: “Blinded by the Border”

Counterpunch (online)

      August 18, 2008, edited by Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair.

      Essay: “The Power of Art & Youth in LA”

The Progressive

      July 2008; Volume 72, Number 7, Madison, WI, Pg. 18

      Column: “Juvenile Injustice”

Sigo Sin Querer Ir Al Cielo (online)

      Blog of David Gonzales, July 8, 2008

      Poem: “La Llamada” (The Calling, translated in Spanish)    

Wiretap (online)

      July 10, 2008;

      Essay: “Gang Injunction Approved in Southern California”

Latino Heritage Month 2008: Celebrating a Mosaic of Cultures

      Fall 2008; Catalog by LA City Department of Cultural Affairs

      Poem: “The Old Woman of Merida”

The People's Tribune

      April 2008, Volume 36, No. 4, Chicago, IL

      Poem: “Perhaps”

The Progressive

      April 2008; Volume 72, Number 4; Madison, WI, Pg. 14

      Column: “My Father's Party”

The Progressive

      February 2008, Vol. 72, Number 2, Madison, WI, pg. 14

      Column: “The Spirit of Learning”

The Cool Justice Report (online)

      January 15, 2008, blogsite for Andy Thibault

      Interview: “Poet Luis Rodriguez Answers Six Questions about Borders” (originally from POV Borders website on

The Progressive Magazine

      December 2007, Volume 71, Number 12, Madison, WI

      Column: “Recruiting in the Barrio”

The Progressive Magazine

      November 2007, Volume 71, Number 11, Madison, WI

      Column: “The Healing Power of Poetry” (includes excerpt of poem “Fevered Shapes”)

Counterpunch (online)

      October 31, 2007, edited by Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair

      Essay: “A Path to Violence?: “Social Cleansing” from Guatemala to LA”

People's Tribune

      November/December 2007, Vol. 34, No. 11, Chicago, IL

      Essay: “Poetry and Revolution”

Latino Heritage Month: 2007 Calendar & Cultural Guide

      City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs

      Poem: “My Name's Not Rodriguez”

Bello Magazine

      September 2007; Santa Ana, CA, Edited by Fernando Diaz

      Reportage: “Shin Miyata (the Japan/Chicano Connection)”

Deep Dish poem-a-week (online)

      August 27, 2007:

      Poem: “Victory, Victoria, My Beautiful Whisper”

The Progressive

      August 2007, Volume 71, Number 8, Madison, WI

      Column piece: “A Model for Urban Peace”

Arizona Daily Star

      Saturday, March 31, 2007, Progressive Media Project

      Tucson, Arizona

      Op-Ed: “Honor Chavez's legacy with brown-black unity”

The Progressive

      June 2007, Volume 71, Number 6, Madison, WI

      Column piece: “Paths out of Addiction”

The Progressive

      April 2007, Volume 71, Number 4, Madison, WI

      Column piece (“Writing for America”): “Black-Brown Unity Now”

The Progressive

      February 2007, Vol. 71, No. 2, Madison, WI

      Column piece (“Writing for America”): “Ortega Returns”

The Progressive

      December 2006, Volume 70, No. 12, Madison, WI

      Column (“Writing for America”): “Prisons Can’t Solve Gangs”

The Progressive

      December 2006, Volume 70, No. 12, Madison, WI

      Participant in special section of “Our Favorite Books of 2006”

The Progressive

      September 2006, Volume 70, No. 9, Madison, WI

      Column (“Writing for America”): “Press 1 for English”

Providence Journal

      September 1, 2006, Providence, RI (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “Celebrate U.S. Spanish-speaking”

Dayton Daily News

      September 1, 2006, Dayton, OH (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “’English only’ campaigns aren’t aimed at bringing unity, but imposing supremacy”

Monterey County Herald

      August 28, 2006, Monterey, CA (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “Being bilingual an advantage”

Clarion Ledger

      August 31, 2006, Jackson, MS (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “End the hysteria over ‘Spanish’”

San Jose Mercury News

      August 25, 2006, San Jose, CA (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “Spanish and English can co-exist, even strengthen America”


      August 26, 2005, Bloomington, IL (For Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “English Only? Then rename Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.”

Roanoke Times

      August 25, 2006, Roanoke, VA (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “Stop the Hysteria over Spanish Speakers”

Daily Campus (Southern Methodist University)

      August 25, 2006 (for Progressive Media Project)

      Opinion: “Stop the Hysteria over Spanish Speakers”

The Progressive

      July 2006, Volume 70, No. 7, Madison, WI

      Column (“Writing for America”): “A Single Movement”

Entertainment Today

      July 7, 2006; Vol. 38, Number 39, Los Angeles, CA

      Poem excerpt: “Old Woman of Merida”

El Periodico USA

      July 10, 2006; McAllen and Brownsville, Texas

      Opinión: “Una Solucion para todo tipo de problema”

La Columna Vertebral (part of La Red Hispana)

      June 9-23, 2006 (used in various publications around the US)

      Opinion: “Una Solucion para todo tipo de problema”

La Prensa San Diego

      June 9, 2006; San Diego, CA

      Opinión: “Una Solucion para todo tipo de problema”

Subaru Monthly (Tokyo)

      February 2006, Tokyo, Japan

      Story: “Las Chicas Chuecas”

Tribuno del Pueblo

      Vol. 33, Number 2; Chicago, IL

      Opinion: “LA Jail Riots Reflect Historical Strategies to Keep the Poor Divided and Weak

Curbstone INK: News, Excerpts, Interviews

      Fall/Winter 2005, Curbstone Press, Willimantic, CT

      Poem: “Banned”

Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict & World Order

      Vol. 32, No. 3; Winter 2005; San Francisco, CA

      Essay: “The End of the Line: California Gangs and the Promise of Street Peace”

Los Angeles Times Book Review

      Sunday, October 16, 2005; LA, CA

      Article and excerpts from poems: “The Rabbi and the Cholo,” “The Monster,” “Untitled,” “Si, Se Puede!/Yes, We Can!”

Poetry Daily (online)

      Featured on October 8, 2005; Charlottesville, VA

      Poem: “The Wanton Life”

Contratiempo Magazine (Spanish language publication)

      Numero 27, July 2005; Chicago, IL

      Interview: “Creatividad para renunciar a la violencia: Intrevista con Luis J. Rodríguez,” by Moira Pujols

Progressive Magazine

      August 2005, Vol. 69, No. 8; Madison, WI

      Essay: “Laura Isn’t Enough: George’s gang policy shows the administration’s true colors”

fRoots Magazine

      July 2005, No 265, London, England

      Interview with Luis Rodriguez by Garth Cartwright entitled “La Reconquista,” East LA and the Music of the Chicano/Mexicano

      people there.

Progressive Magazine

      May 2005; Volume 69, No. 5; Madison, WI

      Review: “Grace, Power, and Beauty: A Profile of Lila Downs”

Performances: Mark Taper Forum

      Center Theater Group, LA, CA; The Music Center, April 2005

      Essay for play Luis Alfaro play “Electricidad”: “Homeboy 101: A Primer to LA Gang History from a Man Who’s Been There”

New York Times

      March 28, 2005

      Editorial: “A Gang of Our Own Making”

Bello Magazine: Redefining the American Paradigm

      Issue 2, Spring 2005; LA, CA

      Essay: “Great Characters, Imagined or Real, Have to Stand Out and Live”

English Journal

      Vol. 94, No. 3, January 2005; National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL

      Essay: “Nemachtilli: The Spirit of Learning”

Los Angeles Times

      By Tom Hayden and Luis Rodriguez; LA Times Opinion Section; October 28, 2004

      OP-Ed: “A Skewed Call for New Police Funding”

Speakeasy: A Literary Look at Life

      Fall 2004; The Loft, Minneapolis, MN

      Essay: Living with Fear: An Imaginative Response


      Numero 17, September 2004; Chicago, IL

      Interview with Luis Rodriguez: “Desde las calles de Los Angeles, siempre corriendo,” by Joel Soto

Rock & Rap Confidential

      No. 207, August-September 2004, LA, CA

      Interview: “One Blood” an interview with Lila Downs

Other Voices Anthology (online)

      Vol. 9, August 2004

      Poems: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez,” “Passersby,” “My Nature is Hunger,” “Exiled in the Country of Reason,” “Mickey Mouse

      Pancakes,” “The Cockroaches I Married.”

Xispas Magazine (online)

      Issues No. 1-3, March – September, 2004,; Tia Chucha’s Cafe Cultural

      Interview: Lila Downs, History of Xicanos, and various opinion pieces

Long Shot Magazine

      Volume 27, Spring 2004, Hoboken, NJ

      Poems: “Poems to Ponder in Times of War and Uncertainty”

Poets Against the War (online)


      Poems: “Poems to Ponder in Times of War and Uncertainty”

Los Angeles Times

      Opinion Section, March 18, 2004

      Editorial: “The Redemptive Power of Art Isn’t a Frill”

Santa Clarita Valley This Week

      January 22, 2004; Saugus, CA

      Poem: “Tia Chucha” (along with interview with Luis called “No Longer on the Run: A Famous Author’s Evolution”)

freshjive blog (online)

      “Smile Now, Cry Later”

      Written by Luis J. Rodriguez, Photos by Wynn Miller, early 2000s.

Los Angeles Times Opinion Section

      November 23, 2003

      Opinion: “Pages of Power: Before you censor me, know this: Books can save lives”

Blackmailpress 7 (online)

      New Zealand Poets on Line; Issue #7; June 2003

      Poems: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez,” excerpts from “Notes of a Bald Cricket,” “75 Years Exiled in the Country of Reason,” “My

      Nature is Hunger.”

Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture (online)

      Spring 2003; Volume Two, Issue Two

      Poems: Eight “Poems to Ponder in Times of War and Uncertainty”

The Nobody

      Issue 11, Spring 2003, University of Washington, Pullman, WA

      Poem: “Piece by Piece,” “Pedazo por pedazo”

Los Angeles Times

      Los Angeles, December 19, 2002

      Op-Ed Piece: “Could Today’s Gangbangers Be Tomorrow’s Heroes? Just like the Irish, impoverished can make it with help.”

InsideOUT: Quarterly Review

      Volume 1, Fall 2002; A division of the Alethos Foundation, Calabasas, CA

      Poems: “The Calling,” “Piece by Piece,” transcript talk to Central Juvenile Hall, L.A. youth, entitled “Poetry Saved My Life.”

Progressive Magazine

      August 2002; Madison, WI

      Poem: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez”


      April 25, 2002; Vol. 4, No. 16; North Hollywood, CA

      Interview with Poem: “Cinco de Mayo”

K-Code: The Real Italian Lifestyle & Culture Magazine

      No. 10, February 2002; Milan, Italy

      Poems: (in article “Eastsiders” by Flycat) “The Coldest Day,” “My Name’s Not Rodriguez,” “City of Angels,” and “Chota.”

Political Affairs

      July 2001; Volume 80, No. 7; NYC

      Poems: “To the police officer who refused to sit in the same room as my son because he’s a ‘gang banger’;” “Every Road”

North Carolina Humanities

      Spring 2001, North Carolina Humanities Council, Greensboro

      Journal entries and poem “Praise to Shoes”

The Los Angeles Times

      August 6, 2000

      Opinion Piece: “The New Agents of Peace on the Streets”

North Coast Xpress

      Summer 2000, Vol. 8, No. 3, Occidental, CA

      Poem: “The News You Don’t Get At Home”

The Sun Magazine

      April 2000, Issue 292, Chapel Hill, NC

      Interview: "Urban Renewal: The Resurrection of an Ex-Gang Member"

Los Angeles Times

      March 12, 2000; Opinion Section

      Commentary: "The Police Aren't Only at Fault"

Chicago Tribune

      March 9, 2000; Editorial Section

      Commentary: "Consensus Hurts Police, Community"

North Coast Xpress

      Spring 2000, Vol. 8 No.2, Occidental, CA

      Poem: "Chota"

Rattle Magazine

      Winter 1999; No. 12, Vol. 5 No. 2; Bombshelter Press, Los Angeles, CA

      Interview & Poem: "Mickey Mouse Pancakes"

Lateinamerika Nachrichten

      No. 303/304; September/October 1999; German publication, published in Berlin. Essay: "Gelegentlicher SchuBwechsel: Latino-

      Gangs in den USA" (Latino Gangs in the USA), translated by Martin Ling/Elisabeth Schumann-Braune

Judicature Magazine

      July-August 1999; Vol. 83, No. 1; American Judicature Society, Chicago

      Reprint of Chicago Tribune piece: "Don't Send Kids to Adult Prisons"

Chicago Tribune

      August 5, 1999, Commentary

      Opinion piece: "Adult Prisons Are Not the Place for Juveniles"

North Coast Express

      Summer 1999; Vol. 7, No. 3; Occidental, CA

      Poem: "Every Road"

      Speech: "Our Kids Are Dying"

North Coast Express

      Spring 1999; Vol. 7, No.2; Occidental, CA

      Poem: "Bethlehem No More."

Rock & Rap Confidential

      No. 158; December 1998.

      CD review: "¿No?, Lil' Rudy G. and the Chizmosos"

American Poetry Review

      January/February, 1999; Vol. 28, No. 1; Philadelphia, PA

      Poems: "This Could Have Happened," "Questions For Which You Are Always The Answer."

Latina Magazine

      January, 1999; New York City

      Essay: "Behind La Vida Loca: How Stereotypes Perpetuate Violence in Our Boys' Lives"

ForeWord Magazine

      August 1998; Volume 1, Number 3; NYC

      Reprint of introduction from Trochemoche: "Poetry By the Laws of Nature"

The Magazine

      Santa Fe's Monthly Magazine of the Arts, NM; September 1998

      Poem: "Francisca"

Rock & Rap Confidential Newsletter

      June 1998, No. 153; Los Angeles, CA

      Reportage: "One Ocean Don't Stop No Show"

San Jose Mercury (Perspective section)

      Sunday, June 14, 1998; San Jose, CA

      Opinion piece: "Fighting Words: Censorship, not truth, is the real moral failing"

The Carolina Review

      Vol. 50, No. 1; Fall 1997; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

      Poems: "¡Yo Voy Ami!," "Civilization."

Another Chicago Magazine

      No. 32/33, Fall 1997; Chicago

      Essay: "Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Cultures: Poetry, Performance

      and the New American Revolution"

American Book Review

      July/August 1997; Vol. 18, No. 5

      Unit for Contemporary Literature; Normal, IL

      Review: "Voices of the Concrete" (Review of two books by WritersCorps Youth)

Poetry In Motion

      Placards for public transportation vehicles in Chicago

      December 1997; Poetry Society of America, New York City

      Poem: (excerpt) "Heavy Tells A Story"

Paterson Literary Review

      Issue No. 26; Spring 1997; Paterson, New Jersey

      Essay: "Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Cultures: Poetry, Performance and the New American Revolution"

Long Shot Magazine

      Volume 19; Spring 1997; Hoboken NJ

      Poem: "The Feathered Warrior"

Men's Voices magazine

      Vol. 2, #0; Spring 1997; The WhiteRock Alternative; Seattle WA

      Interview: "Gang Youth, Art & Soul" (by Bert H. Hoff)

Los Angeles Times Opinion Section

      February 9, 1997

      Op-Ed Piece: "Treating L.A's Gang Problem: We Need 'Root' Doctors"

M.E.N. Magazine

      Vol. 7, No. 21 / Vol. 8, No. 1; December 1996 / January 1997; Seattle Men's Evolvement Network; Seattle WA

      Interview: "Gang Youth, Art & Soul" (by Bert H. Hoff)

TriQuarterly Magazine

      No. 97; Fall 1996; Evanston, IL

      Poem: "¡Seguro Que Hell Yes!"

Poetry USA Newspaper

      San Francisco; Number 27, Summer 1996

      Poem: "¡Seguro Que Hell Yes!"

Rethinking Schools: An Urban Education Journal

      Summer 1996, Vol. 10 No. 4; Milwaukee, WI

      Article (from speech): "How Society Helps Some Kids Succeed and Others Fail: 'Our Kids Are Being Set Up'"

Hungry Mind Review: A Midwestern Book Review

      St. Paul, MN; Number 37, Spring 1996

      Essay: Steal This Book (On the State of the Book in America)

      Poem: The Calling

Social Justice Magazine

      Vol. 24, No. 4; 1996

      Article: “Hearts and Hands: A New Paradigm for Work with Youth and Violence”

Cultures De La Rue: Les barrios d’Amerique du Nord

      Cahiers Charles V, Universite Paris 7 – Denis Diderot, Paris, France; 1996

      Article: “Salvadoran Immigrant Youth Between Two Worlds”

Crossroads Magazine

      December 1995/January 1996; No. 57; Oakland, CA

      Poem: "Piece by Piece" (& in Spanish: Pedazo por pedazo)

Hungry Mind Review: A Midwestern Book Review

      St. Paul, MN; Number 35. Fall 1995

      Essay: "On Macho"

Los Angeles Times Opinion Section

      September 24, 1995

      Op-ed: "The Price of Social Neglect: Too Many 3-Year-Olds Die"

Connections: Valuing Diverse Ways of Being

      Premiere Issue/Spring 1995; University of Maryland, Baltimore

      Essay: "It's Time to Value Young People Again"

Hyphen Magazine

      Issue 10, Spring 1995; Chicago

      Poem: "Fire (for Eduardo Galeano)"

Forkroads: A Journal of Ethnic American Literature

      Volume 1, Number 1; Fall 1995; Spencertown, NY

      Poem: "The Rabbi and the Cholo"

The Hungry Mind Review

      Summer 1995, Number 34; St. Paul, MN.

      Review: "Listen Up!" (review of book "Crews: Gang Members

      Talk To Maria Hinojosa--Photos by German Perez)

Poets & Writers Magazine

      Volume 23, Issue 1; January/Febuary 1995; New York, NY

      Excerpt: "Always Running" (& from poem "The Blast Furnace") as part of article on Luis Rodriguez.

Long Shot Magazine

      Spring 1995, Vol. 17; Hoboken, New Jersey

      Poem: "The Rabbi and the Cholo"

Sonora Review

      No. 29; Spring 1995; Tucson, AZ

      Essays/Reportage: "Valle de San Quintin" & "Ojo de Agua"

Willow Review

      Spring 1995; Vol. XXII; College of Lake County, Grayslake, IL

      Poem: "to the police officer who refused to sit in the same room as my son because he's a 'gang banger'"

Grand Street Magazine

      No. 52; Vol. 13, No. 4; New York City

      Essay/Perspective: "The Endless Dream-Game of Death (with photos by Donna DeCesare)

Guild Complex Newsletter

      Chicago; March/April 1995; Vol. 3, No. 2

      Short essay: Always Running: The Young and the Future

Rock & Rap Confidential

      No. 121, January 1995; Los Angeles

      Commentary: "Do You Wanna Dance?" (Banda Music in the United States)

The Hungry Mind Review

      Number 32; Winter 1994-95; St. Paul, MN

      Review: "The Tales We Don't Tell: Review of Greg Sarris's Grand Avenue: A Novel in Stories."

The Nation Magazine

      November 21, 1994; New York City

      Essay: "Throwaway Kids: Turning Youth Gangs Around"

Hungry Mind Review: A Midwestern Book Review

      Fall 1994, Number 31; St. Paul, MN

      Essay: "Race: Who We Are"

Prison Life Magazine

      October 1994/New York City

      Guest Editorial: "Writing Off Our Youth"

The Family Therapy Networker Magazine

      September/October 1994; Washington DC

      Personal Essay: "Homeboys: An inner-city father competes with a gang for his son's loyalty."

U.S. News & World Report

      Washington D.C.; August 1, 1994

      Personal Essay: "Letters to Our Children: Self Discipline"

Noetic Sciences Review

      Summer 1994, No. 30; Albany, CA.

      Unanimous Quote from Video Tape "Choice of a Lifetime."

Utne Reader

      Minneapolis, MN; July/August 1994; No. 64

      Essay: "Rekindling the warrior: Gangs are part of the solution, not part of the problem"

Los Angeles Times Book Review

      Sunday, May 29, 1994

      Poem: (In article "The Writer in the Sun") "The Village"

Los Angeles Times

      Sunday, May 8, 1994

      Opinion: "Los Angeles' Gang Culture Arrives in El Salvador, Courtesy of the INS"

Rock & Rap Confidential Newsletter

      Los Angeles, CA; April 1994, No. 11

      Essay: "A Tale of Two Cities" (Salvadoran gang youth in Los Angeles and San Salvador)"

Mothers Jones Magazine

      San Francisco, CA; April 1994

      Statement on Gangs in "Backtalk" Section

Nurnberger Zeitung (Literary Supplement)

      Erlangen, Germany; January 22, 1994

      Poem: "The Village" (translation in German)

The San Diego Union-Tribune

      Sunday, December 26, 1993

      Op-Ed Piece: "Putting Poetry Back in the Schools"

Poetry Flash Magazine

      San Francisco, CA; Number 248/November-December 1993

      Excerpt from talk: Poets House Panel, October 1993

Chicago Review

      Vol. 39, No's. 3 & 4

      Essay: "Toward A Revolutionary Literature For Los Angeles"

Colorado Review

      Fort Collins, CO; Vol. XX, No. 2/Fall 1993

      Poems: "The Quiet Women," "Reflection on El Train Glass," "A Fence of Lights."

Read Magazine

      Middleton, CT

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

URB Magazine (A Celebration of Hip Hop)

      Hollywood, CA; Issue No. 32/November '93

      Short statement on peace among African American and Mexican youth

Teaching Tolerance Magazine

      Fall/1993/No. 11

      Interview with Poem: "Every Road"

Letter eX: Chicago's Poetry Newsmagazine

      October/November, Issue #90

      Essay: What Does It Mean To Be An American?

Espacios: Cultura Y Sociedad

      Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes; Aguascalientes, AG, Mexico; Ano 3, Numero 10; Summer/1993

      Poems (in translation): El Llamado; Este Arbol, Este Poema; Alguien Estaba Rompiendo Los Vidrios

Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict & World Order

      San Francisco, CA; Vol. 20/Nos. 1 &2, Spring/Summer 1993

      Essay: "Together, Forever, Tonight: Latinos & Social Revolution in the United States"

Ergo! The Bumpershoot Literary Magazine

      Seattle, WA; 1993 issue

      Poem: "Fire"

The Bloomsbury Review

      Denver, CO; Vol. 13/Issue 3/May-June 1993

      Poem: "Fence of Lights"

Mixed Bag: A Quarterly Publication of Ideas and Action

      Milwaukee, WI; Spring/Summer 1993

      Excerpt from "Always Running" (and reprint of interview with Luis from Curbstone Ink)

Tamaqua Magazine

      Parkland College; Champaign, IL; Spring 1993, Vol. 4, Issue 1

      Poems: "Reflection on El Train Glass," "Meeting the Animal at Washington Square Park"

Small Press Magazine

      Wakefield, Rhode Island; Vol II, No. 2/Spring 1993

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

(untitled) magazine

      South Gate, California; Spring/1993

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Brujula Compass

      Bronx, New York; Number 16/Spring 1993

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Los Angeles Times Book Review

      Sunday, February 28, 1993

      Review: "Border States"

Rock & Rap Confidential

      Los Angeles, CA; No. 106/May 1993

      Statement on L.A. gangs/immigrants

Left Curve Magazine

      San Francisco, CA; No. 17/1993

      Essay: "Smoke & Ash: A Latino Writer Looks Back at the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising" (reprint from Boletin)

The Chicago Review

      Volume 38, Number 4

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Green Mountain Review

      Johnson, Vermont

      Quotes from Associated Writing Programs Panel and Poem: "Hungry"

Los Angeles Times Opinion Editorial

      March 7, 1993

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine

      February 21, 1993

      Essay: "Trapped in the Land of the Free" (excerpt from "Always Running")

Triquarterly Magazine

      Evanston, IL; Issue # 86/Winter 92-93

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

The Nation

      New York City; February 1, 1993

      Poem: The Facts of Life (To President Bill Clinton)

Pemmican Magazine

      St. Paul, MN; 1993 Issue

      Poem: "Rant, Rave & Ricochet"

Curbstone INK

      Willimantic, CT; Fall 1992

      Excerpt from "Always Running" & interview

Strong Coffee

      Chicago IL; Vol. III, No. 4, December/1992

      Poem: Reflection On El Train Glass

Letter eX: The Chicago Poetry Newsmagazine

      Chicago IL; Issue # 82/December 1992

      Essay: "Looking For A New Criticism"

Cambio Newspaper/Bilingual Edition

      Oakland, CA; Vol. 6, No. 9/December 5-20, 1992

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Solsticio Revista

      San Luis de Potosi, Mexico; November 29, 1992

      Poems (in Spanish translation): Ciudad de Angeles.

Solsticio Revista

      San Luis de Potosi, Mexico; November 15, 1992

      Poems (in Spanish translation): Tia Chucha.

Social Justice Journal

      San Francisco, CA; Vol. 19, No. 2/Summer 1992

      Essay: Poetry & the Politics of Difference (Reprint from Letter eX)

atelier Newsletter

      Boston, MA; Vol. 1, No. 11/September 1992

      Essay: Poetry & the Politics of Difference (Part II)

Witness Magazine

      Detroit, Michigan; November 1992; Vol. 75, Number 11

      Poem: Somebody Was Breaking Windows

Poetry East Magazine

      Chicago IL; Number 34/Fall 1992

      Essay: "Jack Hirschman: Crossing The Endless Threshold."

National Catholic Reporter

      October 1992

      Reportage (With Trinidad Rodriguez): Mexicans on Death Row

Chiron Review

      Lawrence, KS; Vol. XI, No. 3; Autumn 1992

      Poem: "They Come To Dance"

Guadalupe Review

      San Antonio, Texas; No. 2/October 1992

      Essay: Poetry & the Politics of Difference (reprint from Letter eX)

The Nation Magazine

      New York City; September 21, 1992

      Essay: Piece in special section "The Battle for Public Education"

Boletin, Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos

      Hunters College, New York City; Vol. IV, No. 2; Spring 1992

      Essay: Smoke & Ash: A Latino Writer Looks Back At The 1992 Los Angeles Uprising

Los Angeles Times

      Los Angeles, CA; September 13, 1992

      Opinion: (With Kershaun Scott and Cle Sloan) Gangs: The New Political Force in L.A.

Hungry Mind Review

      Minneapolis, MN; No. 23, Fall 1992

      Essay: In special section on "American Fear"

The ROC--Voice of Rock Out Censorship newspaper

      Jewett, Ohio; No. 9/Summer 1992

      Essay: Liberation Radio in America: Arresting the Airwaves

atelier Newsletter

      Boston, MA; Vol 2, No. 10/August 1992

      Essay: "Poetry & the Politics of Difference" (Part I, reprint from Letter eX)

Howl: A Publication of Around the Coyote

      Chicago, Illinois; Summer 1992

      Essay: “Art—A Basic Necessity”

Los Angeles Times

      Los Angeles, CA; June 21, 1992

      Opinion: "La Vida Loca: 'The Crazy Life'--Two Generations of Gang members."

Rally Comrades!

      Chicago IL; Vol. 11, No. 3/June 1992

      Essay: "Poetry and the Politics of Difference" (reprint from Letter eX)

National Catholic Reporter

      Kansas City, MI; May 22, 1992

      Essay/Opinion: "Deciphering L.A. Smoke Signals: The Word is Class, Not Race"

Poets & Writers Magazine

      New York, NY; Volume 20, No. 2/March-April 1992

      Essay: "Poetry Workshops with the Homeless"

Puerto del Sol Magazine

      New Mexico State University; Las Cruces, New Mexico; Volume 27, No. 1/Spring 1992

      Poem: "Wanting to Belong"

Mid-American Review

      Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green, OH; Volume 12, No. 1/Spring 1992

      Essay: "Living on the Hyphen: Multicultural Diversity in the Arts" (reprint from Letter eX)

Guadalupe Review

      Guadalupe Art & Literary Center; San Antonio, Texas; Number One/October 1991

      Essay: "Literacy & the Writer's Spirit"

      Poems: "The Old Woman of Merida" "Cinco de Mayo," "A Time for Soldiers"

Crosswinds Magazine

      Santa Fe, New Mexico; October 1991

      Poem: "Cinco de Mayo"

Poetry Flash Magazine

      San Francisco, CA; October 1991

      Poems: "Cinco de Mayo," "The Workshop"

Howling Dog Magazine

      Utica, Michigan; Vol. 5, No. 1

      Poem: "First Day of Work"

The Nation Magazine

      New York City; August 12-19, 1991

      Reportage: "Rebel Radio: Rapping In The Hood"

Poetry East Magazine

      Published by De Paul University; Chicago, IL; No. 30, Spring, 1991

      Poems: "The Rooster Who Thought It Was A Dog," "Somebody Was Breaking Windows"

Playboy Magazine

      Published by Playboy Inc.; Chicago IL; May, 1991

      Reportage: In "Open Forum" section on Black Liberation Radio.

Illinois Writers Newsletter

      Published by Illinois Writers Incorporated; May, 1991

      Essay: "Literacy and the Writer's Spirit."

ONTHEBUS: A New Literary Magazine

      Published by Bombshelter Press; Los Angeles, CA; Spring, 1991; Nos 6 & 7

      Poem: "Lips"

Vice Versa Magazine

      Chicago, IL; Vol. V (Spring, 1991)

      Poems: "The Blast Furnace," "A Harvest of Eyes," "The Bull's Eye Inn."

La Gente Newspaper

      University of California, Los Angeles; January/1991

      Poem: "The News You Don't Get At Home"

Poetry USA (journal)

      Published by National Poetry Association; San Francisco, CA; Winter 1990

      Poems: "The Threshold," "They Come To Dance."

Mother Tongues Magazine

      Published by Mona Fertig; British Columbia, Canada; Issue Two, Winter 1991

      Poems: "Waiting," "The Quest For Flight," "Heavy Tells A Story."

Hammers Magazine

      Published by Doublestar Press; Chicago, IL; No. 2, January 1991

      Poem: "City of Angels"

Playboy Magazine

      Published by Playboy, Inc.; Chicago, IL; November, 1990

      Article: For "After Hours" on the Chicago Poetry Scene

Tonantzin Magazine

      Published by Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center; San Antonio, Texas; Vol. 6, No. 3; October 1990

      Poem: "A Harvest of Eyes"

Catechumenate: A Journal of Christian Initiation

      Published by Liturgy Training Publications; Chicago; September 1990 issue

      Poem: "Amends"

Lies Of Our Times Magazine 

      Published by Sheridan Square Press; New York City; September 1990 issue

      Poem: "The News You Don't Get At Home"

Homework Newspaper

      Published by Artists Against Homelessness; Chicago; April 1990/Vol.2, No. 1.

      Essays: "Taking Homelessness Personally," "There Are Enough Homes For Everyone"

Poets & Writers Magazine

      Published by Poets & Writers, Inc.; NYC; Volume 18, Issue 2, March/April 1990.

      Reportage: "Poetry Slamming In Chicago"

Hammers Magazine

      Published by Doublestar Press; Chicago; No. 1, March 1990

      Poem: "The News You Don't Get At Home"

Contact II: A Poetry Review

      Published by Contact II Publications; New York City; Spring 1990

      Poem: "Piece By Piece"

Left Curve Magazine

      Published by Left Curve; Oakland, CA; No. 14, 1990

      Poem: "Rosalie Has Candles"

Catechumenate: A Journal of Christian Initiation

      Published by Liturgy Training Publications; Chicago, IL; January, 1990

      Poem: "Every Road"

The Americas Review

      Published by Arte Publico Press; Houston; Vol. 17 Fall-Winter 1989, Nos. 3-4.

      Poem: "Running To America"

The Write Stuff Newsletter

      Published by National Writers Union; Chicago; December 1989

      Essay: "Self-Publishing: One Author's Experience"

The Chicago Reporter

      Published by the Community Renewal Society, Chicago; Volume 18, No. 10, November 1989

      Reportage: "Latino Artists Worry Despite New Interest," "Neighborhoods Fear Development," "Artists Question Price of


Hispanic Link Weekly Report (syndicated to various national daily newspapers in

      Spanish/English, including La Opinion/Los Angeles); Hispanic Link News Service;

      Washington, DC; Vol. 7, No. 34, Aug. 28, 1989

      Essay: "The Chicano Moratorium and Me"

Compages Magazine

      Published by Union of Left Writers; San Francisco, CA; Number 22, Fall 1989.

      Poem: "Tomatoes" (In English & Arabic)

Catechumenate: A Journal of Christian Initiation

      Published by Liturgy Training Publications; Chicago, IL; May 1989

      Poem: "Watts Bleeds"

River Styx Magazine

      Published by River Styx; St. Louis, MO; Number 29, 1989

      Poem: "String Bean"

Literati Chicago Magazine

      Published by Literati International; Chicago, IL; Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer/Fall 1988

      Poem: "Watts Bleeds"

Touchstone Literary Journal

      Published by Touchstone; Spring, Texas; Vol. IX, No. 1, Spring, 1989

      Poems: "Writhing Skeletons," "The Village"

San Fernando Poetry Journal

      Published by Kent Publications; Northridge, California; Volume XI, No. 3, 1988.

      Poems: "Alabama," "Overtown 1984," "Strike"

Art Meets Labor Newsletter

      Published by Art Meets Labor; Chicago, IL; Vol. 3, No. 1, 1988

      Excerpt: "The Empty Frame: Art, Politics & Censorship"

Centro De Estudios Puertorriquenos Bulletin

      Published by Hunter College; New York City; Spring 1988

      Poems: "Watts Bleeds," "With Stone Hands And Fire Eyes"

Compages Magazine

      Published by Union of Left Writers; San Francisco; Vol. 3, No. 19, Spring 1988.

      Poem: "Running To America" (English & Spanish)

Letter eX: Chicago's Poetry Newsletter

      Published by Letter eX; Chicago:

      From 1988 to 1991, various reviews and essays including "Looking For A New Criticism," "Living

      On The Hyphen: Multiculturalism and the Arts," "Paris and the International Scene," "The Dangers of Promiscuity: Pluralism in

      the Arts," and on Walt Whitman. Reviews of books and readings by Lorri Jackson, Alberto Rios, Joseph Somoza, Li-Young Lee,


Art Meets Labor Newsletter

      Published by Art Meets Labor; Chicago; Vol. 1, No. 4, July/August 1986

      Reportage: "Lady Beth: Voices From The Mills Comes to Chicago in September"

People's Tribune/Tribuno del Pueblo newspapers

      Published by Polara Publishing; Chicago, IL; Editor and various articles: 1985-88.

      Various articles from 1974 to present. Also interviews with: Los Lobos, Chuck D of Public Enemy; Eduardo Galeano; Homeless

      people and leaders against homelessness; Alabama electoral rights leaders; Austin, MN meatpackers strike leaders; Mexican

      peasants and squatter leaders; Mexico Anti-PRI Candidate Cuatemoc Cardenas; on police terror; among others.

The Nation Magazine

      Published by The Nation Associates; New York City; June 29, 1985

      Reportage: "Cracks In The P.R.I. Monolith"

The Southern California Anthology

      Published by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles; 1985

      Short Story: "Sometimes You Dance With A Watermelon"

Electrum: The Quarterly Poetry Magazine

      Published by Medina Press; Tustin, CA; No. 36, Spring/Summer 1985

      Poem: "Bethlehem, No More"

Critica: A Journal Of Critical Essays

      Published by University of California; San Diego, CA; Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 1985

      Essay: "Electoral Fraud Chronicle"

Los Angeles Times

      Published by Times Mirror Press; November 8, 1984

      Excerpt from poem: "Bethlehem, No More" in article on Bruce Springsteen & Steelworkers

Electrum: The Quarterly Poetry Magazine

      Published by Medina Press; Tustin, CA; No. 34, Fall 1984

      Poem: "Watts Bleeds"

Metamorfosis: Northwest Chicano Magazine of Art and Literature

      Published by Centro de Estudios Chicanos; University of Washington, Seattle; Vol. IV, No.2, Vol. V, No. 1, 1982-83

      Essay: "Yet Another Response on the State of Chicano Art...Or is Being Mexican Really As Good as Rainbo Bread?"

Corazon de Aztlan Magazine

      Published by Corazon de Aztlan, LA; August/September 1982

      Reportage: "Profile of Luis Carlos Bernal"

Editor/Writer for various publications, newsletters, newspapers, including interviews and articles in "Public Employee" newspaper and "AFSCME California," published by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO: LA, Oakland, Washington, D.C.

      Winner: 1983 Western Labor Press Association Award for Best Newsletter, L.A. city local of AFSCME Council 36;

      from September 1982 to May 1985

Corazon de Aztlan Magazine

      Published by Corazon de Aztlan; Los Angeles; Vol 1, No. 1, Jan-Feb. 1982; Second Place Award Winner

      Personal Essay: "The Tunnel"

Xismearte: Chicano Literature and Art magazine

      Published by the LA Latino Writers Association, Los Angeles, CA; Editor/Publisher: 1982-84

      Story: "Always Running."

Santa Barbara News & Review Newspaper

      Published by Santa Barbara News & Review; California; October 30, 1981

      Reportage: "Dispatch From the American Writers Congress"

Obras Magazine

      Published by Beyond Baroque Foundation; Venice, California; Vol. 11, No. 4, Winter 1980

      Prose works: "Clear Plastic," "Soldiers and Mothers," "String Bean"

Q-Vo Magazine: For Today's Latino

      Published by National Lowrider, Inc.; LA, CA; Vol. 2, No. 7/November 1980

      Reportage: "The Eastside Sound"

San Bernardino Sun Daily Newspaper

      Published by The Sun, Inc.; San Bernardino, CA

      Various articles/reportage, Sept. 1980 to March 1982, mostly crime and disasters with a few feature articles. Interviews with

      actors Eddie James Olmos and Elpidia Carrillo; John "Bandit" Dominguez, ex-con and heroin addict after release from 23 years

      in prison; Detectives/Officials in various crime and disaster stories, among others.

Los Angeles Weekly Newspaper

      Published by LA Weekly, Los Angeles; August 15-21, 1980

      Reportage: "The History of the Eastside Sound, Part II"

Los Angeles Weekly Newspaper

      Published by LA Weekly, Los Angeles; August 1-7, 1980

      Reportage: "The History of the Eastside Sound, Part I"

Q-Vo Magazine: For Today's Young Latino

      Published by National Lowrider, Inc.; LA; Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1980

      Photos: Los Amigos Memorial Day Picnic

XismeArte Magazine

      Published by the Concilio de Arte Popular; LA, CA; February, 1980

      Personal Essay: "Hey Louie, Get Up"

The Catholic Agitator Newspaper

      Published by the Los Angeles Catholic Worker; Vol. 10, No. 6, July 1980

      Reportage: "Celebration And Struggle in East Los Angeles"

      Essay: "Why Am I In the Earth, Without Movement, Without Life...Why?"

Los Angeles Weekly Newspaper

      Published by LA Weekly, Los Angeles; March 21-27, 1980; 

      Winner 1981 Twin Counties Press Club Award for Best Freelance Story

      Reportage: "Raids in Huntington Park: The Question of Rights for Illegal Aliens"

Eastside Sun/Mexican American Sun weekly newspapers

      Published by Eastern Group Publications, East Los Angeles, CA; January 1980 until June 1980

      Various articles/reviews/sports events and photos. Did boxing column under "Grillo."

Milestone Magazine

      Published by East Los Angeles College, 1979; Second Place Fiction Contest Winner

      Fiction: "El Spook," "La Veinte-Nueve"

Los Angeles Weekly Newspaper

      Published by LA Weekly, Los Angeles; July 20-26, 1979

      Reportage: "Over There In East LA" (Also a recipient of the "Best of the LA Weekly" 1985. Other articles on closing of industry,

      TheaterWorkers Project, etc. from 1979-85.

El Grito: A Journal of Contemporary Mexican-American Thought

      Published by Quinto Sol Publications; Berkeley, California; Vol. VI, No. 4, Summer 1973; Second Place: Quinto Sol Chicano 

      Literary Award

      Prose Excerpts: "Barrio Expressions"

MEChA Newspaper

      Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA); California State University, Los Angeles; Fall 1972 until Fall 1973

      Editor and writer (Various articles, editing, etc.)

Aztec Newspaper

      Published by Students of Mark Keppel High School; Alhambra, CA; 1972

      Columnist: "Pensamientos: Thoughts On The Chicano Movement" 

Documentary Film Produced

“Rushing Waters, Rising Dreams: How the Arts are Transforming a Community,” directed and written by John F. Cantu; produced by John F. Cantu, Ruben Guevara, Luis J. Rodriguez, Trini Rodriguez; presented by Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural with a grant from the L.A. County Arts Commission Cultivate-Create Initiative and donations from throughout the country; May 15, 2012.

Major Video & Audio Recordings:

--Podcasts: The Hummingbird Cricket Hour

With Luis Mixcoatl Itzlacuiloh Rodriguez and Trini Tlazohteotl Rodriguez,

for i-Tunes, Libsyn, Panteon, SoundCloud, various shows from 2016 to

present, produced by Luis Jacinto “Chito” Rodriguez.

--"Re: Voz": Recorded poems for the Eastside Café

      Spring 2022: CDs, tapes, and vinyl

      Produced by Michael Becerra

      Various poems by Luis J. Rodriguez (and other poets)

--“Joyride: Friends Take The Wheel”

      Special Double CD to accompany “Good Morning Aztlan” by Louie Perez,

produced by Grant Hier, Fall of 2018.

      Three Perez songs read by LJR: “Good Morning, Aztlan,” “Father,”

and “One Time One Night”

--A Visit in Luis J. Rodriguez’s creative writing class in a high security yard in

Lancaster State Prison (California State Prison, Los Angeles County), from Alliance for California Traditional Arts (Fall of 2018)

--“Love Poem to Los Angeles,” short Video by John F. Cantu; Spring 2017

--“The Soul of California” Podcast, August 17, 2017, entitled “Luis Rodriguez—

      angry at injustice, hungry for change.”

--KTLA-TV, Los Angeles, Hispanic Heritage Month, Feature

--Telemundo, Los Angeles, Hispanic Heritage Month, Feature

--National Coalition of Hispanic Media, video presentation for Awards Luncheon,

September 2016

--Los Angeles Times video of excerpt “Love Poem to Los Angeles,”

May 2016, by Steve Saldivar, online.

--PBS-TV, Book Views, Interview with California Poet Laureate Dana

Gioia at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, USC,

April 9, 2016

--“Wisdom in the Bones,” on L.A. Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodriguez

      By Bob Bryan, Graffiti Verite, Los Angeles, February 2016.

--Documentary film, "Left Out" by Jesse Ickler, CSUN Film Project (covering Luis J. Rodriguez campaign for governor)

--KCET-TV, So Cal Today, February 2015, interview on my life, poet laureate

--KPCC-FM, December 2014, Poet Laureate talk and reading

-C-SPAN Book TV, May 4, 2014, interview with Luis Rodriguez at Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural & Bookstore

-Poetry Locomotive for Luis J. Rodriguez campaign for California governor (and other campaign commercials and promotional videos),

By John F. Cantu and Xaime Casillas

-Open Road Integrated Media; May 2012: Promotional video online for four e-book publications of “Always Running,” “Trochemoche,” “The Concrete River,” and “My Nature is Hunger.”

-KCAL-TV with Ray Bell; Los Angeles, CBS-Affiliate Channel 9; December 28, 2011

-KNBC-TV with Colleen Murphy, OffNews TV; Los Angeles/Burbank: Interview on “It Calls You Back”; December 20, 2011

-Audiotape: “Always Running, La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A.” by Luis J. Rodriguez, read by Luis J. Rodriguez

Winter 2011/2012; Dreamscape AB, NY NY.

-Democracy Now! and Huffington Post Live; September and October, 2012; Coverage of 3rd Party candidates during the presidential campaign, Luis J. Rodriguez as vice-presidential candidate of Justice Party.

-Audiotape: “It Calls You Back: An Odyssey Through Love, Addiction, Revolutions, and Healing,” by Luis J. Rodriguez, read by actor Jacob Vargas; Fall 2011; Dreamscape Audio Books, NY, NY.

-CD and Vinyl “To Live A Lie,” from Suffering Luna (experimental punk rock band in L.A.); Used recording of me speaking during a PBS-TV broadcast

-KCET-TV, Los Angeles, “Departures” series; A web documentary on the Los Angeles River, April 2011; Luis reading a poem on a section of the LA River in Lincoln Heights, and interviews with him on the importance of the river to communities and the arts.

-ESPN's “30 for 30” Documentary Series; “Fernando Nation,” directed by Cruz Angeles, aired October 2010; Interview with Luis Rodriguez among others.

-CNN's “What Matters” series; Aired nationally June of 2010.

-CNN's “Leaders with Heart” Series; Producer Pamela Dembo, aired nationally in May of 2010.

-Channel 44, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; Presentation on a talk Luis did at the Ciudad Juarez Juvenile Hall

-NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams; National broadcast; January 1, 2010; a segment on Luis Rodriguez, Tia Chucha's (including an interview with my son Ramiro) on “Making a Difference”

-KABC-TV: “Vista LA”; Fall 2009; Los Angeles, CA; Feature on Tia Chucha's Centro and Luis Rodriguez

-KTLA-TV/CW: “The Spotlight” by Leila Feinstein; Los Angeles, 2008—feature on Luis Rodriguez and Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural

-Megalopolis: Los Angeles; Italian film by movie movie, shown on Italian TV/RAI spring 2008; Interview with Luis Rodriguez & former gang youth he's mentored.

-Poetica (online poetry page)

-ABC National Radio, Australia, Spring 2007; Poem: “Somebody was Breaking Windows”

The Spoken Word Revolution: Redux CD; Narrated by Marc Smith and Kevin Coval, Spring 2007; Sourcebooks/Media Fusion, Naperville, IL; Poem: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez”

-WordTheatre: Family Affairs, Volume 2; CD; November 2006, HarperCollins; Produced by Cedering Fox, WordTheater; Story(read by actor Miguel Sandoval): “Finger Dance”

-Poets on Record: 98 Poets Read Their Work (1888-2006); Spring 2006; Shout! Factory, Los Angeles

-Bread and Steel: Illinois Poets Reading from their Works; Edited by Kevin Stein, Illinois Poet Laureate; 2006 (CD and Audio poetry project); Poem: “Mother by the Lake”

-Channel 4/London; Monkey TV produced by Jasper Warry, Spring 2006; Interview & tour of LA ganglands on MS-13

-The Face of Poetry; CD from the book “The Face of Poetry,” edited by Zack Rowow (2005: University of California Press, Berkeley).Poem: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez.”

-CD: LANGUAGE! The Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum; Edited by Jane Fell Greene, Sopris West Educational Services; August 2005, Longmont, CO); Poem: “The Calling”

-CD: Live at Beyond Baroque 2; Two-disc CD with Luis J. Rodriguez and Mark Eleveld, Marvin Bell, Mike McGee, Patricia Smith, Viggo Mortensen, Georganne Deen, Saul Williams, Regie Gibson; recorded at Beyond Baroque, Venice, CA, November 15, 2003(LA: Perceval Press/EM Press, Fall 2004)

-CD: Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural Presents: From Earth to Sky, A Collection of Word and Song; CD recording of various spoken word poets, musicians, and singers to benefit Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural, August 2004, Dos Manos Records, including re-release of Luis Rodriguez’ poem “Civilization” recorded by Flycat in Milan, Italy, 1998.

-VIDEO: PBS-TV: Beyond Brown: Pursuing the Promise (50 Years after Brown vs. Board of Education); Produced by Lulie Haddad, Directed by John Valadez for Firelight Media; March 2004. Interview & filming of Luis Rodriguez at North Hollywood H.S.

-PBS-TV: Matters of Race, Part II, “Race Is/Race Isn’t”; Produced by Orlando Bagwell and Lulie Haddad; Aired nationally on September 2003; Interview with Luis J. Rodriguez, among others.

-Poetics of Peace: Vital Voices in Violent Times; CD with Alice Walker, Luis Rodriguez, Michael Meade, Jack Kornfield, Orland Bishop; produced by Mosaic: Voices of Youth, Voices of Community, Seattle, WA; Fall 2003; Talk and poetry reading at Unitarian Universalist Church, San Francisco, CA; May 24, 2003.

-Hearts and Hands; Talk by Luis Rodriguez, Recorded at the Venice Peace & Justice Book Fair, June 29, 2003, CD produced and distributed by the LA Sound Posse; KPFK-FM

-My Name’s Not Rodriguez: Poetry and Music from Luis Rodriguez and Seven Rabbit; January 2002; Ernie Perez, producer; Dos Manos Records/Rock A Mole Music; CD with ten poems and original music.

-El Poeta; PBS-TV documentary for the “An American Family” drama series, aired nationally on February 27, 2002, Los Angeles. Tom McMahon Producer/Director

-The Genius of Mentoring: Youth, Mentors & Elders; With Michael Meade, Malidoma Some, Luis Rodriguez, Jack Kornfield & Orland Bishop; Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, Seattle, WA; November 2001; CD and Audiocassette: Original field recording.

-La Plaza, WGBH-TV, Boston; Reading and interview with Ilan Stavans for PBS-TV; April 10, 2001; aired

-Sunsounds Audio Recording for the Blind; Interview at Sunsounds Studios, Flagstaff, Arizona; March 31, 2001

-Rites of Passage; Peach Arch Entertainment for the Learning Channel; Stan Feingold, Producer/Director; Spring 2002; Interview on passage rites for gang youth and their significance

-Discovery Health Network’s “Lifeforce”; MPH Entertainment, Inc. Los Angeles, CA; Stephanie Jenz, Director; Fifteen-minute profile on me for national cable TV network, First Aired February 15, 2001

-The Arts of Community in Times of Chaos; February 2001, Mosaic Foundation events at Gershwin Theater, University of San Francisco, and Lone Mountain College, San Francisco (with Michael Meade, Malidoma Some, and Jack Kornfield). Poetry and talks.

-Dreaming Revolution: Interview with Luis Rodriguez; Spring 2001; People’s Tribune Radio, Chicago, IL; Interview.

-Second Chances: Juvenile Justice Centennial Initiative; Spring 2000, Washington DC.; Video Recording

-Always Running: La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A.; Volunteer Services for the Visually Impaired; 1999 Milwaukee, WI.

-Understanding Non-Fiction; KET (The Kentucky Network) for PBS-TV. Spring 1999; filmed in Chicago, including in front of class of adult GED students. Highlighting excerpts from “Always Running.”   

-La Vida Loca: Un testimonio de un pandillero en Los Angeles; Read by Jorge Galvan; Translated by Ricardo Aguilar Melantzon & Ana Brewington. Fall 1998; Audio Libros del Mundo, Inc., Valencia, CA; Audiocassette recording of Spanish translation of Always Running; Una domanda alla risposta (A Question to an Answer); CD & Vinyl recording by Italian Hip Hop artist Flycat and guest artists. A vinyl EP and CD that also used my poem "Civilization," with music & accappella; mixed by KAOS; produced and released by U.S.O.P / Skillz to Deal Milan, Italy; released September 1998; recorded May 1998 in Milan

-This American Life; National Public Radio program with Ira Glass, recorded February 7, 1996 in WBEZ-FM radio studios, Chicago. Used for Valentine’s Day broadcast, in cassettes, and CDs; Poem: “Waiting”

-Crossing the Bridge: A Multicultural Conference for Youth & Mentors; March 10-15, 1998 Camp Rancho La Scherpa, Southern California, Recorded on multiple audio cassettes by Rick Chelow, Oral Traditions Archives with Micheal Meade, Luis Rodriguez & Malidoma Some

-In Their Own Voices: A Century of Recorded Poetry; CD & cassette compilation by Rebekah Presson and David McLess for Rhino Records/Word Beat (including other poets); August 1996; Poems: "Tia Chucha Press," "The Concrete River"

-Making Peace 4-part TV series (Soul Survivors); Video program by ITVS and Moira Productions for PBS-TV; Fall 1996 (aired nationally early 1997); Tom Weidlinger producer; John Valadez director; 1/2 hour profile on my work with my son Ramiro and Youth Struggling for Survival, including video diaries I did over a year-long period in 1995

-The Choice of a Lifetime: Returning From the Brink of Suicide; Video by Noetic Sciences; Nila Broque producer/director; Spring 1996; San Francisco, CA; 53 minutes video, includes interview with me and other people

-Social Workers and the Challenge of Violence Worldwide; Video and Follow-Along Information Packet for Teleconference from the University of North Carolina Center for Public Television, Chapel Hill, NC; February 6, 1996; Published by National Association of Social Workers Interview & Poem: Bethlehem No More

-Luis J. Rodriguez—Keynote Address; Network of Educators on the Americas Conference, August 1995; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; NEA Sound Cassette, Washington D.C.

-A Snake In The Heart: Poems & Music by Chicago's Spoken Word Performers; CD produced by Chris Stewart and Greg Nakamoto with various artists. Summer 1994 by Tia Chucha Press, Chicago. Poem: "Palmas"

-Palabra: A Sampling of Contemporary Latino Writers; The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives; 1993 San Francisco State University; Poem: "'Race' Politics"

-A Reading by Luis J. Rodriguez; The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives; 1993 San Francisco State University, CA; Various poems

-Luis J. Rodriguez: Lannan Foundation Literary Video Series; Video program; executive Producer: Meg Brazill; Directed by Dan Griggs/Media Revolution; Spring 1993; 60 minutes of a reading & interview at the Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles on December 8, 1992

-Luis J. Rodriguez: New Letters on the Air Contemporary Writes on Radio; Rebekah Presson, Producer; University of Missouri, Kansas City; One Sound cassette (29 minutes), 1991.

Children's Biography:

Contemporary Hispanic Americans: Luis Rodriguez (with photos)

      By Michael Schwartz; January 1997; Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publisher; Austin, TX; paperback August 1998.

      Short bio on my life up to 1995 for young adolescents 

Anthologies, Textbooks and Photo Books:

Where I’m At: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry

      Edited by Donald C. Evans and Robin Metz with a foreword by Carlo Rotella

      2022 The Chicago Literary Hall of Fame,

After Hours Press, Third World Press

      Poem: “A Hungry Song in the Shadows”

Flowers Blooming from Scars (Korean-English bilingual edition)

      2022 by Korean Literature Society of America, Los Angeles CA

      Poem: “Love Poem to Los Angeles”


      Photographs by Gregory Bojorquez; Little Big Man Publishers, Los Angeles

      Spring 2022

      Introduction: “A Camera Like Breathing”

PEN America The Sentences That Create Us: Crafting a Writer’s Life in Prison

      Edited by Caits Meissner, Foreword by Reginald Dwayne Betts

      2022 Haymarket Books, Chicago IL

      Essay: “On Poetry”

Tlacuilx: Tongues in Quarantine (Poetry by Project 1521)

      Edited by Yago S. Cura, Darren J. de Leon, Adolfo Guzman Lopez,

Linda Ravenswood de Montano

      2021 Hinchas de Poesia Press, Los Angeles CA

      Foreword: “Poetry and the American Holocaust: Generating beauty and truth

      to confront the ugly and the lies.”

Speculative Los Angeles

      Edited by Denise Hamilton; Spring 2021; Akashic Books, NYC

      Short Story: “Jaguar’s Breath”

Los Angeles Reader

      Spring 2020; The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,

Board of Trustees Briefing 2020

Essay: “Los Angeles Through a Poet’s Eyes”

Make a Poem Cry: Creative Writing from California’s Lancaster Prison

      Edited by Kenneth E. Hartman & Luis J. Rodriguez

Spring 2020; Tia Chucha Press, Los Angeles

      Editor & Introduction: “The Tip of the Iceberg”

Land of 1000 Dances: The Rampart Records 58th Anniversary Complete Singles Collection

      Minky Records, 2019; Los Angeles, CA

      Introduction: “The Rampart Story: Capturing the Dynamism of East Los

      Angeles Music for Over Fifty Years”

Coming of Age in a Hardscrabble World: A Memoir Anthology

      Edited by Nancy C. Atwood & Roger Atwood; Fall 2019; University of Georgia

      Press, Athens, GA.

      Excerpt from “Always Running, La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A.”

Tracing the Horse: Poems by Diana Marie Delgado

      Fall 2019; BOA Editions, Rochester, NY

      Foreword by Luis J. Rodriguez

What Saves Us: Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump

      Edited by Martin Espada; Fall 2019; Northwestern University Press

      Poem: “Heavy Blue Veins”

Desperate Literature: The Unamuno Author Series Festival, A Bilingual Anthology

      2019 by Unamuno Author Series Festival and Desperate Literature Bookstore,

      Madrid, Spain. Cover painting by Mark Strand.

      Poems: “Piece by Piece” and “pedazo a pedazo”

Letters to My City

      By Mike Sonksen, Spring 2019.

      Published by The Accomplices: A Writ Large Press Book, Los Angeles CA

      Various mentions of Luis J. Rodriguez and poem dedicated to Rodriguez

We All Belong: Reflections About Borders from the Students of Galileo High School (San Francisco, CA)

      From 826Valencia, San Francisco CA; May 2019

      Foreword: “Ultimately We All Belong”

Good Morning Aztlan: The Words, Pictures & Songs of Louie Perez

      By Louie Perez, Tia Chucha Press, Fall 2018, Sylmar CA

      Essay by LJR: “Louie Perez: Musician, Artist, and Friend”

From Darkness to Hope: Prison Writings about Redemption

      Edited by Tuan “Mike” Doan, Fall 2018

      Barking Rooster Books, Los Angeles CA

      Introduction by Luis J. Rodriguez:

Wunder City Guide: Los Angeles

      Edited by Matthew Smith; 2018 Wunder Editions, London

      Essay: “Home”

RISE: An Anthology of Power and Unity

      Introduction by Eugene B. Redmond, Selection by Mark Lipman

      Vagabond, Venice CA; 2017

      Poem: “Poem for a New Dream”

Get Lit, Words Ignite: Explore, Write, and Perform Classic and Spoken Word Poetry

      By Diane Luby Lane & Kelly Grace Thomas, Foreword by Juan

      Felipe Herrera; 2017 by Literary Riot, Los Angeles

      Poem: “Words” (and poem by Mike Sonksen called “Luis J. Rodriguez”)

Counting Time Like People Count Stars: Poems by the Girls of Our Little Roses, San Pedro Sula, Honduras

      Edited by Spencer Reece, 2017 Tia Chucha Press, Los Angeles

      Postscript: “A Hidden History” by Luis J. Rodriguez

From Trouble to Triumph: True Stories of Redemption from Drugs, Gangs & Prison

      Edited by Alisha M. Rosas, 2017 Tia Chucha Press, Los Angeles

      Introduction by Luis J. Rodriguez: “Owning One’s Life: A New Narrative on

      Gangs, Prisons, and Addictions”

Los Angeles in the 1970s: Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine

      Edited by David Kukoff, 2016, A Barnacle Book/Rare Bird Books, Los Angeles

      Essay: “What Needed Screwing Got Screwed”

“White” Washing American Education: The New Culture Wars in Ethnic Studies

      Volume 1: K-12; Edited by Denise M. Sandoval, Anthony J. Ratcliff, Tracy Lachica Buenavista, and James R. Marin; Praeger, Santa Barbara/Denver; 2016

      Essay: “The Story of Our Day: Moving Our Imaginations to the Immense Revolutionary Potential in America”

Get Lit Rising: Words Ignite. Claim Your Poem. Claim Your Life.

      By Diane Luby Land & the Get Lit Players. 2016 by Simon Pulse/Simon & Schuster, New York.

      Foreword by Luis J. Rodriguez

Smile Now, Cry Later: Guns, Gangs, and Tattoos: My Life in Black and Gray

      By Freddy Negrete with Steve Jones; 2016 by Seven Stories Press, NYC

      Preface: “How Art Brought Two Barrio Warriors to Dinner”   

Writing for Life: Paragraphs and Essays

      By D.J. Henry; Pearson Publishing; 2014

      Essay: “Latino Heritage Month: Who We Are… And Why We Celebrate”

Be a Better Writer: For School, For Fun, For Anyone Ages 10-16 (2nd Edition)

      By Steve Peha with Margot Carmichael Lester

Teaching That Makes Sense, Carrboro, NC; Copyright 2016

      Interview with Luis J. Rodriguez “Be A Writer Like… Luis J. Rodriguez.”

Coiled Serpent: Poets Arising from the Cultural Quakes & Shifts of Los Angeles

      Edited by Neelanjana Banerjee, Daniel A. Olivas, Ruben J. Rodriguez; Spring 2016; Tia Chucha Press, Los Angeles CA

      Introduction: “City of Angels, City of Poets”

Latino Young Men and Boys in Search of Justice: Testimonies

      Edited by Frank de Jesus Acosta, co-edited by Henry A.J. Ramos

      Arte Publico Press, University of Houston, Fall 2015

      Foreword by Luis J. Rodriguez

Overthrowing Capitalism Vol. II: Beyond Endless War, Racist Police, Sexist Elites

      Edited by John D. Curl, Introduction by Jack Hirschman

      Kallatumba Press, San Francisco, October 2015

      Poem: Three “People’s Sonnets”

The Poetry Circus

      Edited by Nicelle Dave; September 2015; Yak Press, Los Angeles

      Poem: “Perhaps”

The Border Crossed Us: An Anthology to End Apartheid

      Vagabond Press, Venice CA; 2015

      Introduction by Luis J. Rodriguez: “Following the ‘Trail of Bones’”

      Two poems: “Running to America,” “Every Breath, a Prayer’

LAttitudes: An Angeleno’s Atlas

      Edited by Patricia Wakida, Foreword by Luis Alfaro, Introduction Glen Greason

      Heyday Books, San Francisco, CA; Spring 2015

      Essay: “How Xican@s are the Makeweight of Los Angeles’s Past, Present, and Future”

Children’s Literature Studies: Cases and Discussions

      By Linda C. Salem (2006, Libraries Unlimited, Greenwood Publishing Group, Connecticut)

      Mentions of Luis' books in Chapter 5 “Peace and Children’s Literature”

LAttitudes: An Angeleno's Atlas

      Edited by Patricia Wakida, Foreword by Luis Alfaro, Introduction by Glen Creason,

      Cartography David Dies, Illustrations by Leighton Kelly.

      2015 Heyday Books, Berkeley CA

      Essay: "How Xicano@s are the Makeweight of Los Angeles' Past, Present & Future"

Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond

      Pacific Coast Poetry Series, edited by Suzanne Lummis & Liz Camford;

      2015: Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, Venice CA

      Poems: “Palmas” “The Monster”

Lowriting: Shots, Rides & Stories from the Chicano Soul

      Edited by Santino Rivera; Photography by Art Meza; Fall 2013, Broken Sword Publications, Florida

      Essay: “Living La Vida Lowrider”

Revolutionary Poets Brigade, Los Angeles

      Selection by Mark Lipman, Spring 2014; Vagabond Books, Venice CA

      Poems: “Machu Pichu” and “Perhaps”

Journey to the Mountain Within

      By Luis R. Ruan, CreateSpace 2013/

      Foreword by Luis J. Rodriguez

Looking Out, Looking In: Anthology of Latino Poetry

      Edited by William Luis, Fall 2012 (Houston TX; Arte Publico Press)

      Poems: “The Blast Furnace,” “They Come to Dance,” “Deathwatch,” “Running to America”

Unsettled: Children in a World of Gangs / Desasosiego: Los Ninos en un mundo de las pandillas

      Photos and text by Donna DeCesare; Spring 2013; University of Texas, Press, Austin TX

      Excerpt of poem: “Piece by Piece”

Te’s Harmony: A Story of Love at the Crossroads”

      By Richmond Artists With Talent (RAW Talent); February 2013; Red Beard Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan

      Foreword by Luis J. Rodriguez

Too Cruel, Not Unusual Enough: An Anthology Published by the Other Death Penalty Project

      Edited by Kenneth Hartman (with John Purugganan and Robert C. Chan); Createspace, United States

      Preface by Luis J. Rodriguez (also judge of prison writing contest)

Indivisible: Poems for Social Justice

      Spring 2013; Edited by Gail Bush and Randy Meyer; Norwood House Press, Chicago

      Poems: “The News You Don’t Get at Home” and “Piece by Piece”

Springboard: Consumable Student Edition/English Textual Power Level 4

      College Board 2011

      Excerpt from “Always Running”; Poem: “Race Politics”

Rushing Waters, Rising Dreams: How the Arts are Transforming a Community”

      Edited by Denise Sandoval, Ph.D., and Luis J. Rodriguez; 2012 Tia Chucha Press, Sylmar, CA. With essays, poetry, photography,

      and artwork by various authors, including:

      Essay: “The Vitality of the Arts”

Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail!: Stories of Crime, Love, and Rebellion

      Edited by Gary Phillips and Andrea Gibbons; Fall 2011, Los Angeles, PM Press

      Story: “Look Both Ways”

Blueprints: Bringing Poetry into Communities

      Edited by Katherine Coles, Harriet Monroe Poetry Institute/Poetry Foundation, 2011 University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City

      Essay: “Tia Chucha Comes Home: Poetry, Community and Crazy Aunt—Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural & Bookstore”

Crossing State Lines: An American Renga

      Edited by Bob Holman & Carol Muske-Dukes; Spring 2011 Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, NYC

      Poem: “We've been here before”

The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature

      Ilan Stavans, Edna Acosta-Belen, Harold Augenbraum & Maria Herrera-Sobek; W. W. Norton Publishers, NYC; September 2010

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Revolutionary Poets Brigade (Volume 1)

      Selected by Jack Hirschman; Fall 2010; Caza de Poesia, LA

      Poems: “Fevered Shapes,” “Dance or Die”

Waiting for Foreign: LA Writers on (and in) Guadalajara

      Edited by J. Michael Walker and Veronique de Turenne; The Blurb/Peregrino Press, publishers, 2010.

      Essay: “Vice Versa: Guadalajara Reflections”

Prison Culture

      Edited by Sharon E. Bliss, Kevin B. Chen, Steve Dickison, Mark Dean; Johnson & Rebeka Rodriguez; City Lights Foundation;

      2009 Intersection for the Arts; San Francisco, CA

      Poem: “To the police officer who refused to sit in the same room as my son because he's a 'gang banger'”

Statement Magazine

      2008; California State University, Los Angeles

      Poem: “Dance or Die”

Exploring Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs

      By John Langan; 2008 and 2010; McGraw-Hill, New York City

      Essay: “Turning Youth Gangs Around”

Red Thread, Gold Thread: The Poet's Voice

      Edited by Alan Cohen (The Power of Poetry Festival, Ohio, Summer 2009)

      Essay on poetry and poem “Moonlight to Water”

Democracy in Print: The Best of The Progressive Magazine 1909-2009

      Edited by Matthew Rothschild (University of Wisconsin Press, 2009)

      Column piece: “My Father's Party”

      Poem: “My Name's Not Rodriguez”

Holler If You Hear Me: The Education of a Teacher and his Students

      By Gregory Michie (NYC: Teacher's College Press, 2009)

      Foreword to the second edition by Luis J. Rodriguez

Soul Talk: Urban Youth Poetry, A Writing Project Featuring Syracuse City School District Students

      Edited by M. Montero (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2008)

      Introduction/Essay by Luis Rodriguez

A Guide for Understanding Effective Community-Based Gang Intervention

      Los Angeles City Council (Ad Hoc Committee on Gang Violence & Youth Development, Fall 2008)

      Luis helped write and research this with the Community Engagement Advisory Committee of the Ad Hoc Committee on Gang

      Violence & Youth Development).

Latino Heritage Month Calendar 2008: Celebrating a Mosaic of Cultures

      Fall 2008, Department of Cultural Affairs, LA, CA

      Poem: “Old Woman of Merida”

The Chicano/Latino Literary Prize: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Fiction, Poetry, and Drama

      Edited by Stephanie Fetta; Arte Publico Press, Houston, TX; Fall 2008

      Story: “Sometimes You Dance with a Watermelon”

Experiencing Poverty: Voices from the Bottom

      Edited by D. Stanley Eitzen & Kelly Eitzen Smith; Pearson Education, NYC, Spring 2009

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Rattle Conversations

      Edited by Alan Fox; Los Angeles; Red Hen Press, Spring 2008

      Interview with Luis J. Rodriguez on poetry

Seeds of Fire: Contemporary Poetry from the Other USA

      Edited by Jon Andersen; Smokestack Books, UK, Spring 2008

      Poem: “Carrying My Tools”

The Bandana Republic: A Literary Anthology by Gang Members & Their Affiliates

      Edited by Louis Reyes Rivera & Bruce George, foreword by Jim Brown; Soft Skull Press, Brooklyn, NY, Spring 2008

      Essay: “Letter to my Son”

City Kids, City Schools: More Reports from the Front Row

      Edited by William Ayers, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Gregory Michie & Pedro A. Noguera; 2008 New Press, NYC

      Excerpt from “Hearts & Hands: “To 'See' Again”

Latinos in Lotusland: An Anthology of Contemporary Southern Calfornia Literature

      Edited by Daniel A. Olivas; Spring 2008; Bilingual Press, Tucson, Arizona

      Story: “Miss East LA”

Violence Prevention: A National Perspective: Diverse Approaches to Family & Community

      Edited by Martha Jean Adams-Heggins, Laxley Rodney & Casimir Kowalski; NYC: McGraw-Hill, 2007

      Excerpt from “Hearts & Hands”: “Throwaway Kids”

The Best of Border Voices: Poet Laureates, Pulitzer Prize Winners & the Wisdom of Kids

      2007 Level 4 Press, Jamul, CA

      Poem: “The Cockroaches I Married”  


      Edited by Koji Yoshida & Kenichi Eguchi; December 2007; HK Arts & Books, Tokyo, Japan

      Essay: “Reflections of a Bald Cricket: Choosing Chicano”

The History of Barrios Unidos: Healing Community Violence

      Edited by Frank de Jesus Acosta, Spring 2007; ArtePublico Press, Houston, Texas

      Foreword by Luis Rodriguez

The Spoken Word Revolution: Redux

      Edited by Mark Eleveld, Spring 2007; Sourcebooks/Media Fusion, Naperville, IL

      Poem: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez”

Trecero Festival Mundial de Poesia—Venezuela 2006

      Spring 2007; Fundacion Editorial, El Perro y La Rana, Caracas, Venezuela (Third International Poetry Festival, Caracas, 2006)

      Poems: (in Spanish translation) “Mi nombre no es Rodriguez,” “El llamado,” “Pedazo a pedazo,” “Suburbia,” “No lea ese poema”

Pepper Spray poems by Paul Martinez Pompa

      2006, Momotombo Press, University of Notre Dame, Indiana.

      Introduction by Luis J. Rodriguez

Be a Better Writer: Power Tools for Young Writers!

      Edited by Steve Peha & Margot Carmichael Lester; Winter 2006; The Leverage Factory, Bend, OR

      Interview: “Be a Writer like Luis J. Rodriguez”

Spilling the Beans in Chicanolandia: Conversations with Writers & Artists

      By Frederick Luis Aldama, University of Texas Press, Austin; Fall 2006

      Interview and Bibliography of Luis Rodriguez

Mugshots: A Celebration of the Journey from Ruin to Redemption

      Edited by Jason Porath; Photos by Jonas Mohr; Real Deal Media, Portland, OR; Fall 2007

      Interview and Photo of Luis Rodriguez

Language! The Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum

      Editor, Jane Fell Greene; 2005, Sopris West Publishers, NYC

      Poem: “The Calling”

Mexico in Mind: An Anthology

      Edited by Maria Finn, Vintage Books, NYC; Spring 2006

      Poem: “The Old Woman of Merida”

Border Voices/The Poet’s Masque: Rhythms & Raptures for the 21st Century

      Edited by Jack Webb, published by Border Voices, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, No. 13

      Bio and Poem: “The Cockroaches I Married”

Dream of a Word: The Tia Chucha Press Poetry Anthology

      Edited by Quraysh Ali Lansana and Toni Asante Lightfoot; Published by Tia Chucha Press, Fall 2005, Los Angeles

      Foreword and Poems: “Tomatoes” and “The Monster”

The Write Stuff (with Readings): Sentences to Paragraphs

      Edited by Laurence Checkett and Gayle Feng-Checkett; Fall 2005, Pearson-Longman, NYC

      Excerpt from “Always Running”: “The Ice-Cream Truck”

The Face of Poetry

      Edited by Zack Rogow, portraits by Margaretta K. Mitchell; Foreword by Robert Hass (2005: University of California Press)

      Poems: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez,” “Victory, Victoria, My Beautiful Whisper,” “Meeting the Animal in Washington Square


Latino Boom: An Anthology of US Latino Literature

       Edited by John S. Christie and Jose B. Gonzalez; August 2005; Pearson Longman.

Mirando al Norte

      October 15-November, 2005; California State University, Northridge Art Galleries

      Essay: “Mexico Singing in My Bones”

Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change

      By Joseph F. Healey, 2006, Pine Forge Press, Thousand Oaks, CA

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Conversations with Ilan Stavans

      The University of Arizona Press, Tucson; 2005

      Interview with Luis Rodriguez (based on PBS-WGBH, “La Plaza: Conversations with Ilan Stavans,” April 17, 2001).

Reflections (Read On! Put Reading Mastery Under Your Control)

      Spring 2006; Harcourt Achieve Publishers, Austin, TX

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Hand & Eye: Fifteen Years of the Dorothea Lang-Paul Taylor Prize

      Fall 2005, Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University; Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina

      Reprint of NY Times editorial: “A Gang of Our Own Making”

LANGUAGE! The Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum

      Edited by Jane Fell Greene, Sopris West Educational Services; August 2005, Longmont, CO (hardcover book)

      Poem: “The Calling”

Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems in Being Young and Latino in the United States

      Edited by Lori Carlson, Introduction by Oscar Hijuelos; Henry Holt & Co., New York City, Spring 2005

      Poem: “Tia Chucha,” “Piece by Piece”

California Uncovered: Stories for the 21st Century

      Edited by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, William E. Justice & James Quay; California Council for the Humanities/Heyday

      Books, Spring 2005

      Story: “My Ride, My Revolution”

The Outlaw Bible of American Literature

      Edited by Alan Kaufman, Neil Ortenberg & Barney Rosset; Spring 2005, Thunder’s Mouth Press, NYC

      Excerpt: “Always Running”

Tongue Tied: The Lives of Multilingual Children in Public Education

      Edited by Otto Santa Ana; NYC: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2004

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Approaching Literature in the 21st Century

      Edited by Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl, Bedford/St. Mark’s NYC, August 2004

      Poem: “Running to America”

Some of my Best Friends: Writings on Interracial Friendships

      Edited by Emily Bernard, Amistad/HarperCollins, Fall 2004

      Essay: “Battlefields, or is Friendship Greater than the Colonial and Dominating Race Ideologies of Hundreds of Years?

Molotov Mouths: Explosive New Writing

      Manic D Press, San Francisco; Fall 2003

      Introduction: Luis J. Rodriguez

Writing on the Edge: A Borderlands Reader

      Edited by Tom Miller (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2003)

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Poets One 2003: Heidelberg Anthologie (World Poetry Festival)

      Deutsch-Amerikanishes Institut, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2003

      Poem: “Francisca”

Social Work Practice with a Difference: Stories, Essays, Cases, and Commentaries

      Edited by Alice Lieberman & Cheryl Lester; McGraw Hill, New York City; Spring 2004

      Excerpt from Always Running.

American Contexts: Multicultural Readings for Composition

      Audrey B. Joyce, editor, Longman Publishers/Pearson Education, Inc.; Summer 2002

      Essay: "Turning Youth Gangs Around" from The Nation, 11/21/94

A Poet’s Truth: Conversations with Latino/Latina Poets

      By Bruce Allen Dick (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2003)

      Interview with Luis J. Rodriguez, among others.

Write Ahead: A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning

      Edited by Dave Kemper, Patrick Sebranek & Verne Meyer; Illustrated by Chris Krenzke; (Wilmington, MA: Great Source Education

      Group, Spring 2003)

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

The Write Start with Readings: Sentences to Paragraphs

      Edited by Lawrence Checkett & Gayle Feng-Checkett; (New York: Pearson-Longman, Spring 2004

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Patterns of Reflection: A Reader (Fifth Edition)

      Edited by Dorothy U. Seyler (New York: Pearson-Longman, Spring 2004)

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

Are You Experienced? Baby Boom Poets at Midlife

      Edited by Pamela Gemin; University of Iowa Press, Spring 2003

      Poem: “The Bull’s Eye Inn”

From Totems to Hip-Hop: A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry across the Americas, 1900-2002

      Edited by Ishmael Reed; Thunder’s Mouth Press; 2003, NYC.

      Poem: “Hungry”

The Spoken Word Revolution: Slam, Hip-Hop, and the Poetry of a New Generation

      Edited by Mark Eleveld and Marc Smith; April 2003; Sourcebooks, NYC

      Essay: “Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Cultures: Poetry, Performance, and the New American Revolution”

Poetry in Motion from Coast to Coast: 120 Poems from the Subways and the Buses

      Edited by Elise Paschen & Brett Fletcher Lauer; Spring 2002; W.W. Norton Publishing, New York

      Poem: Excerpt from “Heavy Tells a Story”

Gang Nation: Delinquent Citizens in Puerto Rican, Chicano and Chicana Narratives

      Monica Brown; Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2002

      Poem: “Mean Streets” and several citations from “Always Running.”

Under the Fifth Sun: Latino Literature from California

      Edited by Rick Heide; Heyday Books, Santa Clara, CA; Winter 2002

      Essay: “The Twenty-Ninth” 

      Poem: “Watts Bleeds”

Si, Se Puede!/Yes, We Can!: Janitor Strike in L.A.

      Children’s book by Diana Cohn, illustrated by Francisco Delgado; Cinco Puntos Press, El Paso, Texas, Fall 2002

      Poem: “Si, se puede/Yes, We Can!”

      Essay, “A Woman of Struggle, a Woman of Hope.”

Illinois Voices: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Poetry

      Edited by Kevin Stein and G.E. Murray; Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2001

      Poems: “Reflection on El Train Glass,” “Rant, Rave & Richochet,” “To the police officer who refused to sit in the same room as my

      son because he’s a ‘gangbanger.’”

Art on the Line: Essay by Artists about the Point Where Their Art and Activism Intersect

      Edited by Jack Hirschman, Winter 2002, Curbstone Press, Willimantic, CT.

      Essays: “Poetry and the Politics of Difference” (reprinted from LetterEx, 1991) and Text of Presentation at the University of Paris

      Conference, December 1991.

Opening Doors: English as a Second Language Workbook

      Editors: Kristin Sherman & Frances Hawthorne; Charlotte, NC: Main Street Rag Publishing, Fall 2002

      Poem: “The Monster”

Sweet Jesus: Poems about the Ultimate Icon

      Edited Nick Carbo & Denise Duhamel; Fall 2002; Anthology Press, Los Angeles

      Poem: “Jesus Saves”

Experiencing Poverty: Voices from the Bottom

      Edited by D. Stanley Eitzen and Kelly Eitzen Smith; Winter 2003; Published by Thomson/Wadsworth, Belmont, CA

      Used excerpts from “Always Running”

Cantos Al Sexto Sol: An Anthology of Aztlanahuac Writings

      Edited by Cecilio Garcia Camarillo, Roberto Rodriguez and Patrisia Gonzalez; Wing Press, San Antonio, TX; Spring 2002

      Poem: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez”

Like Thunder: Poets Respond to Violence in America

      Edited by Virgil Suarez and Ryan G. Van Cleave; University of Iowa Press, Iowa City; Spring 2002

      Poem: “Rainfall Piano”

Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam

      Edited by Tony Medina and Louis Reyes Rivera; NYC; Three Rivers Press, Fall 2001

      Poem: “My Name’s Not Rodriguez”

Growing Up Poor: A Literary Anthology

       Edited by Robert Coles & Randy Testa with Michael Coles; NYC, The New Press, Fall 2001.

       Poem: “Night Shift at St. Regis”

Rio LA: Tales from the Los Angeles River

      By Patt Morrison, Photos by Mark Lamonica; Fall 2001; Angel City Press, LA

      Used Excerpt of poem “The Village.”

Soul Talk: Luis Rodriguez in North Carolina

      NC Literary Consortium/NC Arts Council, Raleigh; Fall 2001

      Poems: “The Object of Intent is to Get There,” “Praise”

      Essay: “Poet in Motion”

      Interview (by Bruce Dick and Gabriella Motta-Passajou): “A Conversation with Luis Rodriguez”

Writing the World: Reading and Writing About Issues of the Day

      Edited by Charles R. Cooper and Susan Peck McDonald; 2001, Bedford St. Martin’s, NYC

      Excerpt from “Always Running”

American Diaspora: Poetry of Displacement

      Edited by Virgil Suarez and Ryan G. Van Cleave; Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, Summer 2001

      Poems: “Running to America,” “City of Angels”

Literature and Race in Los Angeles

      By Julian Murphet; Spring 2001; Cambridge University Press; 

      Use of excerpts from poems “Watts Bleeds,” “The Village,” “The Concrete River,” “Jesus Saves,” “Bethlehem No More,”

      “A Harvest of Eyes.”

Rescuing the Word: An Anthology of Writing from the Prism Writers Workshops 1997-2000

      Edited by Anna West; Published by Young Chicago Authors, Chicago, Spring 2001

      Foreword by Luis J. Rodriguez

Wachale! Poetry and Prose on Growing Up Latino in America

      Edited by Ilan Stavans; 2001; Cricket Books, Chicago

The Power of Words: A Diverse Gathering of Acclaimed Authors

      Northern Arizona Book Festival Anthology 2001; Coconino; Community College, Flagstaff, Arizona

      Poems: “My Nature is Hunger” and “Passersby”

The Politics of Literacy Across the Curriculum

      Edited by Victor Villanueva (Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2001); November 2001

      Poem: “The Calling”

The Most Important Thing I Know About Love: Inspiring Messages from Eminent Writers, Poets, Musicians, Thinkers, and Others

      Compiled by Lorne A. Adrain; William Morrow/HarperCollins, NYC; 2000

      Poem: “Love”

U.S. Latino Literatures and Cultures: Transnational Perspectives

      Edited by Francisco A. Lomeli and Karin Ikas; Fall 2000; Universitatsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, Germany

      Prose piece: “A Cholo in Milan”

      Poetry: “City of Angels”

Power Lines: A Decade of Poetry from Chicago's Guild Complex

      Edited by Julia Parson-Nesbitt, Luis Rodriguez, and Michael Warr; Fall 1999; Tia Chucha Press, Chicago

      Poem: "My Nature Is Hunger."

The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry

      Edited by Alan Kaufman; Thunder's Mouth Press, NYC; Fall 1999

      Poems: "to the police officer who refused to sit in the same room as my son because he's a 'gang banger' ", "Rosalie Has  

      Candles," "Somebody was Breaking Windows," "Chota," "Believe Me When I Say," "Meeting the Animal in Washington Square

      Park," "Don't Read That Poem."

Second Chances: 100 Years of the Children's Court: Giving Kids A Chance to Make A Better Choice

      Summer 1999; Justice Policy Institute/Children and Family Justice Center; Chicago/Washington DC.

      Interview with me, including photos, in a book of former juvenile offenders who bettered their lives

The Language of Literature: American Literature

      Various editors; Spring 2000; McDougal Littell Publishers, Evanston, IL

      Poem: "Tia Chucha"

Aztlán and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War

      Edited by George Mariscal; Spring 1999; University of California Press

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Identity Lessons: Contemporary Writing About Learning to Be American

      Edited by Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan; Spring 1999; Penquin Books, NYC

      Poem: "Always Running"

Eastside Stories: The Gangs of East L.A.”

      Photo book; photos by Joseph Rodriguez; essay by Ruben Martinez; PowerHouse Books, NYC, Fall 1998

      Interview with Luis J. Rodriguez

Las Christmas: Favorite Latino Authors Share Their Holiday Memories

      Edited by Esmeralda Santiago and Joie Davidow; December 1998; Alfred Knopf, NY

      Essay: "Colors Breathing Themselves Into The Body" (in memory of Diego Rodriguez)

From Inquiry to Argument

      Edited by Linda McMeniman; November 1998; Allyn and Bacon, NY

      Reprint of essay: "Turning Youth Gangs Around"

The Floating Borderlands: Twenty-Five years of U.S. Hispanic Literature

      Edited by Lauro Flores; Fall/Winter 1998; University of Washington Press

      Poem: "Running to America"

Shards of Light/Astillas de Luz

      Edited by Olivia Maciel; Tia Chucha Press, Chicago

      Poems (with Spanish translations): "Markets, Alleys, & the Hounds of Hell," "Eva sitting on the curb with pen and paper before

      the torturers came to get her," "Victory, Victoria, My Beautiful Whisper."

Daybook of Critical Reading and Writing

      Edited by Fran Claggett, Louann Reid & Ruth Vinz; 1998 Great Source Education Group/Houghton Mifflin, Wilmington, MA

      Excerpt from "Always Running," and poem "Race Politics"

Teaching for Social Justice

      Edited by William Ayers, Jean Ann Hunt, and Therese Quinn; Teachers College Press/New Press, NYC

      Essay in "An Activists Forum: Countertales"

Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development

      Edited Enid Lee, Deborah Menkart, Margo Okazawa-Rey; Spring 1998; Network of Educators on the Americas, Washington D.C.

      Essay: "Understanding the Needs of Youth: 'Who You Calling Violent?'" (reprint of Nation article "Turning Youth Gangs Around")

Images of Color, Images of Crime: Readings

      Edited by Coramae Richey Mann & Marjorie S. Zatz; Spring 1998; Roxbury Publishing Company, Los Angeles

      Essay: "The Color of Skin is the Color of Crime"

El Coro: A Chorus of Latino and Latina Poetry

      edited by Martin Espada; Fall 1997, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA

      Poem: "The Old Woman of Merida"

Letters of a Nation: A Collection of Extraordinary American Letters

      Edited by Andrew Carroll, foreword by Marian Wright Edelman; 1997 Kodansha America, NYC

      Letter: "To the Young Men of the Illinois Youth Center."

Risking Contact: Readings To Challenge Our Thinking

      Edited by W. Royce Adams; 1997 Houghton Mifflin Co.; NYC

      Excerpt: "Always Running"

Gender and its Intersections

      Edited by Estelle Disch; Fall 1997; Mayfield Publishing, Mountain View, CA

      Excerpt: "Always Running"

Teacher Diversity Training Packet

      California School Leadership Academy; Fall 1997; San Jose, CA

      Excerpt: "Always Running"

Directory for the California Latino-Chicano High School Dropout Prevention Project

      Hispanic Education and Media Group; Fall 1997; Sausalito, CA

      Poem: "The News You Don't Get At Home"

Course Curriculum for New York City Public Schools

      Afro-Latino Connections; Fall 1997; New York, NY

      Excerpt: "Always Running"

East Side Stories: Gang Life in East L.A.

      Photographs: Joseph Rodriguez; Essay: Ruben Martinez; Fall 1997, PowerHouse Books, NYC;

      Interview with Luis Rodriguez.

Five Fires: Race, Catastrophe, and the Shaping of California

      by David Wyatt; 1997 Addison Wesley

      Section on my work and life (with photos)

Lives in the Balance: Youth, Poverty & Education in Watts

      by Ann C. Diver-Stamnes; 1997 State University of New York Press;

      Excerpt from poem: "Watts Bleeds"

Changer L'Amerique: Anthologie de la poesie protestataire des USA

      (1980-95), edited by Eliot Katz and Christian Haye (bilingual: French/English)1997; by Le Temps des Cerises, Maison de la

      Poesie, Rhone-Alpes, France.

      Poems: "The News You Don't Get At Home," "Chained Time," "Then Comes A Day"

Elements of Literature, Grade 10

      1997 Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Austin, TX

      Excerpt from 1979 article "Over There in East L.A." from L.A. Weekly, as it appeared in book "Fiesta in Aztlan," edited by Toni


Race: An Anthology in the First Person

      Edited by Bart Schneider; Spring 1997; Crown Publishers; NYC

      Excerpt from "Always Running:" Two Generations

Hear Me Out: Poems From Prison

      Edited by Lynette Seator; Fall 1996; End of Time Press, Jacksonville, IL

      Foreword by Luis Rodriguez

Cultures de la rue: Les barrios d' Amerique du Nord

      Edited by Genevieve Fabre and Catherine Lejeune; University of Paris 7,; Cahiers Charles V, Paris, France; Fall 1996

      Essay: Salvadoran Immigrant Youth Between Two Worlds

NovelWorks: Thematic Connections Book ("To Kill A Mockingbird"/Harper Lee)

      Spring 1997; Scott, Foresman & Co., Glenview, IL

      Poem: "The Calling"

Poetry for Peace

      Fall 1996; the Peace Museum, Chicago

      Foreword & Poem: "The News You Don't Get At Home"

Psychology in Context: Voices & Perspectives

      by David N. Sattler & Virginia Shabatay; Spring 1997; Houghton Mifflin (Boston, NYC)

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Men on Divorce: The Other Side of the Story

      Edited by Penny Kaganoff and Susan Spano; Spring 1997; Harcourt Brace & Company (NYC)

      Essay: "A Heart Gone Mad: One Man's Tale of Love & Divorce"

La Diosa de las Americas/Goddess of the Americas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe

      Edited by Ana Castillo; Fall 1996; Riverhead Press (NYC)

      Essay: "Forgive Me, Mother, for My Crazy Life."

The Late Great Mexican Border: Reports from a Disappearing Line

      Edited by Bobby Byrd and Susannah Mississippi Byrd; Cinco Puntos Press, El Paso TX; Fall 1996

      Excerpt: "Always Running"

Muy Macho: Latino Men Confront Their Manhood

      Edited by Ray Gonzalez; Spring 1996; Anchor Books/Doubleday, NYC.

      Essay: "On Macho" (reprint from the Hungry Mind Review)

Gangs: Opposing Viewpoints

      Editors: David Bender & Bruno Leone; Opposing Viewpoints Series, 1996 Greenhaven Press, San Diego CA

      Reprint of "Writing Off Our Youth (from Prison Life, Oct. 1994) and various guotes from "Always Running" and "Throwaway

      Youth" article.

City Kids, City Teachers: Reports From the Front Row,

      Edited by Williams Ayers and Patricia Ford; Spring 1996; New Press, NYC

      Excerpt from "Always Running"

Culture and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Bicultural Experience in the United States

      Edited by Antonia Darder; Fall 1995; Bergin & Garvey, Westport CT

      Essay: "Voice & Empowerment: The Struggle for Poetic Expression"

Efficient and Flexible Reading

      Edited by Kathleen McWhorter; HarperCollins, NY; Spring 1996

      Reprint: "Rekindling the Warrior" (from the Utne Reader)

Distinct Voices: A Multicultural Anthology for ESL

      Writers, edited by Jose A. Carmona; Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa; Fall '95

      Poems: "Tomatoes," "No Work Today," "The Calling."

Job-Tech: The Technological Revolution and Its Impact on Society

      Fall 1995; Twenty-First Century Books, Chicago; Excerpts from talk at March 1995 Midwest Conference on Technology,

      Employment and Community.

Scars: American Poetry In The Face of Violence

      Edited by Cynthia Dubin Edelberg; University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa; Fall 1995

      Poems: "Race Politics," "Overtown 1984."

The Multicultural Workshop Box

      Heinle & Heinle Publishers; Newbury House College ESL; Boston, MA; Summer 1995

      Poem: "First Day of Work," plus reprint of interview from Teaching Tolerance Magazine.

Improving Reading Skills (3rd Edition)

      Edited by Deanne Milan; McGraw Hill; New York City; Spring 1995

      Article: (Reprinted from the L.A. Times) La Vida Loca: Two Generations of Gang Members.

Models for Writers: Short Essays for Composition

      St. Martin's Press; New York City; Spring 1995; Edited by Alfred Rosa and Paul Eschholz

      Article: (Reprinted from the L.A. Times) La Vida Loca: Two Generations of Gang Members.

Multicultural Voices

      Foreword by Rita Dove, 1995, Scott Foresman, Glenview, IL

      Poem: “Speaking with Hands”

Speaking of Poets 2: More Interviews with Poets Who Write for Children and Youth Adults

      by Jeffrey S. Copeland and Vicky L. Copeland; 1994 National Council of Teachers of English

      Interview on my life and writing process

Latino Voices (Writers of America)

      Edited by Frances R. Aparicio; 1994 The Millbrook Press, Brookfield, CT

      Poem: "The Best of Us"

Paper Dance: 55 Latino Poets

      Edited by Victor Hernandez Cruz, Leroy V. Quintana & Virgil Suarez; Persea Books/NYC; Fall 1995

      Poems: "They Come to Dance," "Bethlehem No More," "Deathwatch."

Unsettling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry

      Edited by Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan; Penquin Books, New York City; Fall 1994

      Excerpts from "Always Running": "Heavy Blue Veins," "We Never Stopped Crossing Borders."

      Poetry: "Speaking With Hands," "Fire," "Always Running."

Increase the Peace! A Handbook on Violence

      by Pam Wool and the staff at the Illinois Violence Prevention Resource Center, Chicago; August/1994

      Used quotes from "Always Running."

Aloud: Voices From the Nuyorican Cafe

      Edited by Bob Holman & Miguel Algarin; Henry Holt & Company, NYC; September 1994

      Poems: "Meeting the Animal At Washington Square Park," "Hungry"

Going Where I'm Coming From: Memoirs of American Youth

      Edited by Anne Mazer; Spring 1995; Persea Books, NYC

      Excerpt from "Always Running."

Currents from the Dancing River: Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry,

      Edited by Ray Gonzalez; October, 1994; Harvest Books/Harcourt Brace

      Poems: "The Quiet Women," "to the police officer who refused to sit in the same room as my son because he's a 'gang banger'";

      "Reflection on El Train Glass"

Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States

      Edited by Lori M. Carlson; Henry Holt & Company, New York City; Summer 1994

      Poems (in English and Spanish): "The Monster," "The Calling," "'Race' Politics"

Poetry Like Bread

      Edited by Martin Espada; Curbstone Press, Willimantic, CT.; Spring 1994

      Poems: "Then Comes A Day," "The Concrete River," "The Blast Furnace," "Carrying My Tools."

What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics

      By Adrienne Rich; W.W. Norton & Company; New York City/London; Fall 1993

      Used small passages of a poem and some text from "Always Running" and Poetry Flash interview, No. 240 (March-April 1993)

Dog Stories

       Editor: Kevin R. Kaszubowski; University of Colorado; Boulder, CO; June/1993.

       Poem: "The Rooster Who Thought It Was A Dog"

Slam Poetry: Heftige Dichtung Aus Amerika

      (German translations of American poets); Druckhaus Galrev (publisher); June/1993

      Poems: (into German) "Tia Chucha," "Palmas," "Walk Late Chicago," "Meeting the Animal at Washington Square Park," "Dancing

      On A Grave," "Rosalie Has Candles," "The Monster."

Barrio Rhythm: Mexican American Music in Los Angeles

      By Steven Loza; University of Illinois Press; April/1993

      Used some of my research and quotes on the East L.A. music scene from various publications.

Why L.A. Happened: Implications of the '92 Los Angeles Rebellion

      Third World Press; December/1992

      Essay: "From These Black and Brown Streets: L.A. Revisited."

Four Chapbooks from Irene's Place

      Chicago, Illinois; December/1992; Supported by a Neighborhood Arts Program Grant, Chicago Dept. of Cultural Affairs.

      Editing (with Cindy Salach): "My Face is Under Ink," by Wanda Taylor; "On The Streets of Chicago" by Eileen M. Winters;

      "Getting Down" by Margaret Alvarado; "Gifts From Heaven," by Barbara Jean Lindsay.

Inside the L.A. Riots: What Happened and Why It Will Happen Again

      Institute for Alternative Journalism; Fall 1992

      Essay: Deciphering L.A. Smoke Signals (reprint from the National Catholic Reporter)

Mirrors Beneath the Earth: Short Fiction by Chicano Writers

      Edited by Ray Gonzalez; Curbstone Press; Willimantic, CT; November 1992

      Fiction: "Sometimes You Dance With A Watermelon"

After Aztlan: Latino Writers in the '90s,

      Edited by Ray Gonzalez; David Godine Publishers; New York, NY; Fall 1992

      Poems: "The Blast Furnace," "Tomatoes," "Juchitan," "Every Breath A Prayer"

When I Was A Child

      Children's Literature Association; University of Connecticut; Spring 1992

      Prose: "This Memory Begins with Flight"

Editor's Choice III: Edited by Morty Sklar

      The Spirit That Moves Us Press; New York, NY; Winter 1991

      Poem: "String Bean"

Shakespeare & Co: Biography of a Bookstore in Pictures and Poems

      Edited by Sylvia Beach Whitman; Shakespeare & Co/City Lights Books; Paris, France & San Francisco/Winter 1991

      Poem: "Poem for Shakespeare & Co."

Stray Bullets: A Celebration of Chicago Saloon

      Poetry: Edited by Ida Therese Jablanovec, Susen James and Jose Chavez. Tia Chucha Press, Chicago; Fall 1991

      Poem: "The News You Don't Get At Home."

Calendar: Someday, Someway . . .

      Published by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless; Fall 1991

      Poetry Editor (with Cindy Salach)

The Poetry Connection: Dial-A-Poem, Chicago Tenth Anniversary Anthology

      Published by Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs; June, 1991

      Poem: "Somebody Was Breaking Windows"

Fifty Ways To Fight Censorship

      by David Marsh & Friends; Thunder's Mouth Press, New York; Spring, 1991; Paid Contributor

With The Wind At My Back And Ink In My Blood: A Collection of Poems by Chicago's Homeless

      Published by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless; December 1991; 

      Editor and poems: "A Harvest of Eyes," "Every Road"

      Essay: Poetry Workshops for the Homeless

Best New Chicano Literature 1986

      Published by Bilingual Review Press; Binghamton, NY; 1986; Winner of UC Irvine Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese Chicano

      Literary Award.

      Short Story: "Sometimes You Dance With A Watermelon"

The First Rock & Roll Confidential Report

      Published by Pantheon Books, NYC

      Research: "The View From the Sixth Street Bridge: The History Of Chicano Rock" by Ruben Guevara

201: Homenaje A La Ciudad De Los Angeles: The Latino Experience In Literature & Art

      Published by LA Latino Writers Association; 1981

      Personal Essays: "La Veintinueve," "Pobreza"

Fiesta En Aztlan

      Published by Capra Press, Santa Barbara; CA 1981

      Excerpt: "The Streets Of The Barrio" (From L.A. Weekly article "Over There In East L.A."--1979)

Voices: Readings from El Grito

      Published by Quinto Sol Publications; Berkeley, California; June, 1973

      Excerpt: "Voices"


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