Take a Step Towards Restorative Justice on Saturday July, 27
California's justice system appears blind--blind to the inhumanity of its prison system. Recently nearly 30,000 inmates in California prisons participated in a hunger strike against torturous solitary confinement and other inhumane conditions.
The U.S. has more inmates in prisons and jails than any other country. Prisons have become big business through privatization, and they have real economic and social consequences.
On Saturday July 27, Justice Party Vice Presidential candidate Luis Rodriguez will speak about restorative justice. We invite you to join us!
Saturday, July 27
12PM ET, 11AM CT, 10AM MT, 9AM PT
RSVP by using this link: http://www.justicepartyusa.org/restorative_justice_issue_call
Luis will be joined by his son Ramiro in a discussion of restorative justice, why it is important to the individuals behind bars and those getting out, and how you can get involved. In addition we'll learn what others are doing to prevent incarceration, especially among young men living in urban communities of color.
Please RSVP and mark your calendar for July 27. We'll send you the call-in information in an email acknowledgement after you register.
We encourage you to invite friends and family members to join us for this timely and important discussion.
Yours for Justice,
The Justice Party National Steering Committee
Justice Party · P.O. Box 30726, Seattle, WA 98113-0726, United States · 435-200-JPUS (5787)
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