Japan Needs Your Help
As most people know by now earthquakes and a tsunami have devastated parts of Japan, taking more than 10,000 lives so far. A nuclear disaster is imminent as well with damage to at least one nuclear reactor. The brave people of Japan need your help.
I visited Japan a few years ago and was astounded by the people, the culture, the vibrant beauty I saw everywhere. I met many great people—including poets, artists, writers, lowrider aficionados, and musicians. My friend Shin Miyata arranged for me to be part of a tour by East LA’s Quetzal Flores, Martha Gonzales, and David Gomez. The best harmonica player in the world, Tex Nakamura, who also played with the band War, accompanied us at nightclubs and cafés. A couple of times I read poetry with jarana guitars, cajon, bass, and soulful harmonica for accompaniment.
Shin Miyata owns Music Camp, Inc., a record company/distributor. He has a label called Barrio Gold that has reissued Chicano popular music from the 1960s to the present (I’m talking about classics like Thee Midniters, Malo, El Chicano, the Ramparts Record groups, Quetzal, and more). He also helps bring new acts from Chicano artists in U.S. barrios to an appreciative Japanese audience.
Here’s what Miyata has to say about the terrible earthquakes that have shaken Japan to its core (this is from three days ago):
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Hi Luis. We had another big one an hour and 45 minutes ago near Mt. Fuji. There are no reports of big damage, but it was a really big event in Tokyo. The electric power has been started up again, but so far it has affected only particular places, and it has only lasted one or two hours. But the earthquake caused much confusion and impaired the train system. As for nuclear trouble, people got very nervous and there was a little bit of panic. People ran to get food and gas. It is kind of crazy. Thank you. ShinThen yesterday, Shin wrote me this:
Dear Luis. We are now in the third day from the big quake. So many aftershocks have continued. We’re mostly concerned now about the problems with the nuclear power plant. People within 20 km of the nuclear power plant have been forced to evacuate. And as of today electric power will be stopped twice a day, three hours per each time, around the Tokyo area. The transportation system, especially trains, seem to not run on a regular schedule. There are many train lines that are not running. The government says this will continue until the end of April. Apparently this will affect many businesses, including restaurants, convenience stores, hospitals... We in Tokyo do understand this forced situation. We have to sacrifice as much as possible to rescue people in the northern part of the country called “Tohoku.” I will let you know more later. I am going to ride my bike to see how my offices have held up. I’m just trying to keep our business going. Gracias. ShinTo read more from Shin, please see an interview by our friend David Gomez. Please give any support you can to help the people of Japan. c/s
“Something stinks in Wisconsin, and it’s not the cheese”
The sea of people continued to flow most of the day in Madison, Wisconsin. Reports claimed 85,000 to 100,000 people congregated at the state capitol Saturday, March 12, to protest the anti-bargaining bill that the state’s GOP passed this past week and Governor Scott Walker signed on March 10.
I got there the night before to take part in helping make history. I stayed with my good friend Tony Prince and his fiancé Mayra, who is working on her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The next morning Tony—who is legal counsel for Teamsters Local 705 in Chicago—and I drove out to the capitol building at around 8 am when hardly anybody was there.
We entered the capitol building and had to be searched and wanded—one uniformed officer asked if we had guns. This was insulting—since mid-February protestors have been occupying the capitol building after Governor Scott Walker announced his plans to end collective bargaining rights for state employees. There has not been any violence and only sixteen arrests among tens of thousands of people who have come through here over several weeks. This may be the longest (and most peaceful) occupation of a government building in U.S. history.
At first the numbers of people trickling in that day seemed small. But by 11 a.m. large contingents of workers representing teachers, state employees, nurses, teamsters, steelworkers, ironworkers—you name it—surrounded the state capitol. By then tractors representing the state’s farmers came through in support of the state employees—they know if state employees lose their pay, benefits, or jobs, they are also out of work.
At noon, the numbers were amazing—Tony and I stood on the fourth floor of the Wisconsin Museum of History where you could see the masses of people with all kinds of signs (some were quite inventive: “Scott Walker is addicted to KOCHaine” (alluding to the oil/energy billionaire Koch brothers who have funded much of the Tea Party movement), “Being Middle Class was nice—while it lasted,” “Scott Walker is the ‘Con’ and ‘Sin’ of Wisconsin,” and even one sign that said “I’m a Christian/Conservative and for Collective Bargaining”).
I talked to many people, including Matthew, who was on his eighth day of a hunger strike inside the capitol building. Schoolchildren were there, singing and chanting, along with their parents and teachers. I met with my friend, teacher Erik Shager, who brought three of his students to meet me at Frida’s Mexican Grill on State Street (packed to the gills with people). His parents, who had never took part in protests until the pro-collective bargaining protest began, came with a busload of seniors from Eau Claire, WI. Cops and firefighters were also marching along with union members and their families.
This is a critical battle for the whole country. Recall efforts of eight GOP state legislators have begun, including a recall effort to remove Governor Walker. Other strategic plans and actions are being worked out among leaders and the common people. Wisconsin has a long history of working class and progressive politics. What’s happening here is the pinnacle of what’s happening across the land. I stand in solidarity.
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Final Edits Done
My new book – entitled It Calls You Back: An Odyssey Through Love, Addiction, Revolutions, and Healing – has been sent back to the publisher with the final edits. As of today we’re still working on the book cover and legal issues (after all this is in the memoir/nonfiction genre and legal concerns are paramount). The plan is to have this book released by October of 2011. Let’s hope everything falls into place and we’ll see my new book out this fall.
It’s been more than a three-year ride in writing, editing, rewriting, more editing, to finally get to this place. A heavy burden during a time when I had so much work at Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural, with other writing, with travel, other community work, and to spend time with my family. I also had some health issues this past year that I’ve written about—hypertension, diabetes, gallstones, throat infection, emergency laser eye surgery. But today I feel much better—my last visit to the doctor had all my numbers down (blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, etc.). I plan to keep it this way.
Recently, I took part at the Associated Writing Programs national conference in Washington, DC. I was on a panel called “Memoir and Latinidad.” Blizzards across the Midwest kept all of the panelists away from our panel except Rigoberto Gonzalez and myself. We also had help from Francisco Aragon and the panel turned out to be well attended and lively.
Writers and editors from Tia Chucha Press who came to AWP this year had a nice dinner at Busboys & Poets restaurant, bookstore, and performance space. What a great place, which I recommend to anyone who goes to DC. I thank all the TCP family who took part.
On Saturday, February 5, I took part in a Floricanto poetry reading in front of the US Capitol building to protest Arizona’s anti-immigrant law, SB 1070. About forty of us read and spoke in a drizzling rain, including Francisco Alarcon, Abel Salas, and Susana Sandoval, among others.
I also want to thank my tocayo and longtime friend Luis Cardona for setting up talks at two schools and a community center in the mostly Central American community of Maryland and DC. I’ve always had great support there and these talks keep me connected to a very vibrant and important area.
My other visits included community events in the Bay Area community of Richmond, including at the City Council chambers, introduced by the Richmond Mayor, Gayle McLaughlin. This trip was organized by community organizer and teacher Pedro Lespier, who did an amazing job with the schools, community organizations, and city government. Richmond has been known as a violent city, but in recent times has seen violence and crime levels go down. This is good news. Yet, as we know, it doesn’t stop. The people I met and the dialogues I had were significant and instructive. I hope to get back there again soon.
I also talked at Martin Elementary School in South San Francisco, where third to fifth graders listened intently and asked great questions. I thank the principal, Rona Jawetz, and teachers and staff who made this happen.
I need to mention that this past week I was also a panelist for “Off the Page, Into Reality: A Call To Action” summit, held at Our Lady of Angels Cathedral in downtown LA. Activists in juvenile justice and reentry programs from all over LA County were in attendance, including LA city council members, LA County supervisors, and probation department personnel. The LA County Blueprint for Youth and Young Adult Reentry was introduced and addressed by speakers, panelists, and participants during this important gathering.
This blueprint is a major step in addressing some vital issues about what we’re going to do about real juvenile justice, rehabilitation, and keeping our youth out of juvenile lockups and prisons. The first thing is to stop seeing these young people as “problems,” but symptomatic of deeper environmental, family, economic, and political breakdowns. Using our imaginations and great capacities to renew and regenerate, we can make a turn-around on saving our children.
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Young Warriors
This past Saturday, the Young Warriors youth empowerment project of Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural, held a community ceremony to honor a number of San Fernando High School probation, gang youth, and other high risk students who took part in a ten-week self-discovery, self-healing workshops held from October to December of 2010.
Run by YW founder Mayra Zaragoza, in collaboration with Tia Chucha’s, Youth Speak Collective, the Los Angeles Unified School District, and the Los Angeles County Probation Department, these workshops were created to help young people stay in school, improve their grades and attendance, and consider a life free of violence and drugs.
The culmination was held at the Pacoima Community Center in the Northeast San Fernando Valley and involved the students as well as their parents (who were also taking part in a separate dialogue during part of the day). Each young person also received a certificate of completion and a Young Warriors T-shirt. Other guests from various community and school-based organizations also attended. We were also honored to have Huitzi and Mextli, two Mexika (so-called Aztec) dancers come to teach about the indigenous cosmology of the Mexika/Maya peoples and to perform a number of sacred dances with members of their danza group.
The youth also got to share their passions and ambitions. One 15-year-old participant, who has taken part in a number of Tia Chucha’s music, dance, and photography workshops, shared the amazing photos she’s taken with the other young people. The other youth shared their own concerns and issues, which the Young Warriors workshops helped by opening up a safe and guiding space for them.
I thank all the organizations involved as well as the youth and parents. I particularly want to thank Mayra Zaragoza for working hard to make this happen, as well as Cristina Patricio and Stephanie Marron of San Fernando High School, and Mayra Esparza of Youth Speak Collective, for doing all they could to assist the process. We hope to continue these kinds of workshops for the most troubled students at San Fernando High School as well as other high schools in the Northeast San Fernando Valley.
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Song and Poetry Behind the Walls
Last Thursday I was a guest to witness a special production by members of BRAG (Balanced Reentry Activity Group) they called “Reciprocity,” which involved song, music, theater, spoken word, poetry, and wise words from men who know about hard-earned wisdom.
This event was held behind the walls of the old Soledad State Correctional Facility in the Salinas Valley. Invited by Nane Alejandrez of Barrios Unidos of Santa Cruz, CA, I was also able to say a few words and to recite my poem “Piece by Piece.” In fact, a few of the men remembered me when I was last there, around fifteen years ago, speaking and reading poetry one day, all day, to hundreds of incarcerated brothers (I’ve been doing talks, readings, and workshops in prisons for thirty years).
On Thursday there were around 400 prisoners, mostly lifers, in attendance at the gym. I told them about the Mayan concept of In Lak Ech—you are the other me; I’m the other you. I also related something I had, unfortunately, just heard that morning—the shooting death of Luis Moreno the night before. Luis had attended a Mosaic Foundation Men’s Conference a few years back, which I’ve been a part of for sixteen years. He was a decent young man working at Homeboy Industries, who we tried to mentor away from the madness of gang and drug life. Unfortunately, like so many of these young leaders, his life was cut short much too soon. May you rest in peace, Luis!
The men groaned collectively at the news of Luis’ murder. But they knew—these losses are part of the work we do to help young people save themselves. Of course, more kids are helped, changed, many finally getting on their passion road, their destiny journey, that violence, drugs, and prison have taken off track. It’s a testament to Father Greg Boyle and the teachers/mentors/staff (many of them former gang members) of Homeboy Industries who continue this work despite the losses.
The men at Soledad appreciated the efforts we all do—including, of course, Barrios Unidos—to help keep more youngsters from ending up where they’ve ended up. BRAG’s songs, poems, and theater production were all about redemption, change, and helping others. As one inmate, Papa John, said from the podium, “don’t ever look down at a man unless you mean to pick him up.”
“You may have started out doing wrong,” Papa John preached. “But you can all finish strong.”
The fact that the men were multiracial—mostly African American and Chicano, with Native and white brothers—belies the pronouncements that California state prisoners can’t be united. In their brokenness, in healing, in their dreams of a better world, even behind bars, for themselves and their families, they have come together.
That evening I also had the privilege of speaking at Si Se Puede, a residential sober-living home for the recently paroled (many are also sentenced by judges to take part) in Watsonville, CA. In attendance were around twenty-five young men, with additional residents from a couple of other homes, including youth and women.
We first dined—to some great refin cooked by residents—with Jorge Sanchez, who manages Si Se Puede’s residential space and programs. Then we met the newly appointed mayor of Watsonville, Daniel Dodge, who also happens to be a long-time Chicano activist—and an indigenous spiritual practitioner and Sun Dancer (I’ve done sweat ceremonies with the brother).
Can you imagine—a Sun Dancer as mayor of Watsonville!
Later that evening, we were honored to have Dr. Loco (of Dr. Loco’s Rocking Jalapeno Band—in his “other life” he’s professor/scholar Jose Cuellar) play an indigenous frog-shaped flute and then perform an old Mexican waltz on the tenor saxophone. Nane also spoke and brought up Sarah and Angie, staff members from Barrios Unidos, who briefly talked about their experiences with BU (which, like Homeboy Industries in LA, provides jobs, counseling, culture, schooling to gang youth, ex-prisoners, and more).
Daniel Dodge said a few words and also introduced me, and again I was honored. That evening we had the young people nodding, smiling, a couple in tears, as we talked about the changes we’ve all had to make against drugs, alcohol, gangs. And how this is part of the changes endemic to the shifts in ages we’re all currently living under—precipitating changes in the cosmos, the earth, community, and family.
To help create a healthy, abundant, and properly aligned world, we also have to live as healthy, abundantly, and as aligned as possible.
I thank Nane and Barrios Unidos, the men of BRAG (and the men in the audience), Soledad Prison’s warden and staff, as well as the staff and residents of Si Se Puede (and the other residential programs) that made that whole day special and wondrous for me.
It makes what I do all worthwhile.
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Laser Eye Surgery
Last Friday, I did get laser eye surgery on my right eye. I wasn’t sure I was going to need it, but three ophthalmologists looked thoroughly into the back of my eye with lights, magnifying tools, and depressors (to keep the eye opened in the right areas). They all agreed I had tears and a possible detached section of the retina.
With skillful placement of eye and laser, for about a half hour, one of the doctors put drops to numb the eye, then soon after began the laser treatments. I had two to three dozen laser blasts into my eye. I must say, I was amazed how relatively easy and painless this was—a lot better than having to put my eye to the knife and peel back layers to get to my retina (or whatever they do).
The technology is wonderful.
The only lasting soreness was when I got home and the numbing solution had worn off, but again it was not bad. The next day I was on a plane to Oakland for the weekend and had no more problems.
Today I did have to spend from 7:30 AM until around 2 PM trying to deal with the financials—the cost of the surgery was going to run me upwards of $2,600 (an optometrist told me that in private clinics the costs could go to $4,000 or so). But I qualified for one of the LA County health care programs since my income has come down quite significantly over the last year. This is good—I now only pay the regular surgery cost of $120.
I return on Wednesday to have my eye checked again. It’s possible I may need more lasers, but I hope not. For now I feel fine. This is all part, apparently, of my particular aging process. Not every one will have tears in their retina or detachments, but the older you get the likelihood gets stronger. I must say that the LA County Health System, while the emergency waits can be for hours, including whole days or weekends, have great doctors and support staff.
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Taking Care of the Eyes
Our eyes are how we see and feel our way into the world. What we see and experience become images imprinted in our brains, often through the filter of memory that can also distort those images and experiences (memory is a bad historian). We also don’t remember everything that our eyes have taken in or we’d go nuts.
For example, I have a memory of meeting my wife Trini in 1976—close to ten years before we eventually became lovers than husband and wife. But this initial meeting started our life-long friendship (she’s still my best friend). I recall that Trini had on a brown pantsuit. She insists she wore a green blouse and skirt (I’ll concede hers is probably more valid, since she is more likely to actually know and this is not an important issue for me).
We hang on to certain images and memories that impacted us in someway, or held deep emotional value, or provided us a sense of context and meaning to our lives. Our eyes are first to pull these in, but also of course our hearing, touch, what are called our five senses (and the sixth sense, intuition or seemingly ethereal aspects, need to also be taken into account).
Recently I had a small scare concerning my right eye. Last Monday afternoon, while writing in front of my computer, several spider web-like floaters appeared in front of my eye. Floaters, which I’ve had since I was a child, are natural and usually stay in the background. But this seemed odd—my vision was actually blocked somewhat by these strands of black wriggly lines. They didn’t go away. On Wednesday, I went to an optometrist to get new glasses. I raised the issue of the floaters and he decided to use chemicals to dilate my pupils and look into the back of my eye. Using lights and different instruments, he thought he saw a tear in my retina and perhaps a slight detachment. This is extremely serious. He gave me a prescription for an emergency visit to my local LA County hospital.
My wife Trini, who has accompanied me many times to emergencies over the years, came with me in the afternoon. Because of the possible retina issues, an ophthalmologist was called from home. He arrived later that evening and began an extensive search (with more lights and instruments) for any possible tear or retina detachment. He couldn’t find anything like this—although having bright lights into my eye at all angles for about an hour took its toll.
But I must say the doctor was persistent and polite. It was all necessary.
The upshot is that I didn’t need emergency surgery. For now I have what’s called a posterior vitreous detachment. Not as serious, but if not looked into can turn into something quite serious. I have an appointment at the eye clinic tomorrow to see what else I need to do.
I’m grateful this didn’t turn out as bad as we had originally thought. For a while there, while waiting in the emergency (Trini and I didn’t get out of there until midnight), I contemplated the great value of seeing, remembering, imaging, of colors, lights, faces, and the beauty around me. I truly love my eyes. I plan to do all I can to make sure I don’t lose any sight. For now, things look brighter, clearer, lovelier since I’ve gotten over this scare. I’m thankful I can still have these experiences and memories.
As many people have said, the eyes are the mirrors to the soul. That’s why some memories are soul-deep, unable to be forgotten, lasting, even if somewhat askew. For as far as I’m concerned, the eyes have it.
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A Time for Imaginings
I had a wonderful talk with my grandson Ricky, who turns 18 next month. He says he’s into ideas, into new ways of thinking, into what I call imaginings. I’m so proud of Ricky—he’s graduating next year with honors. He’s a devout Christian and creative person (writing, art, graphics… you name it). He’s a good son and a great grandson.
We happened to be talking about something I’ve been raising to young audiences these past few months. Last Saturday, I was honored to do the keynote talk to around 800 community college students, teachers, and counselors during the Puente Project conference at the University of California, Riverside. I emphasized the power of change, of books, of language, and revolutionary ideas. I did a similar talk last week at the California State University, Northridge to around 300 students. We need to share imaginings. The time of financial constraints, political limitations, budget cuts, record job and home losses are forcing many people to lose their capacity to think beyond the limitations. But I contend this is a time to be more imaginative, not less.
Young people, in particular, have inherited quite a mess from us older generations. We can throw blame around, but somehow it seems to me it’s better to put our heads together, work with youth, us olders, elders, mentors, and try to make this a better world for them and the generations to come.
This means challenging the archaic capitalist, dog-eat-dog, competitive-based system (a sacred cow for Republicans and many Democrats) and think about aligning to human needs, human health, human hungers (both spiritual and physical), and to the best development possible for restoring the earth and its regenerative powers.
Young people respond to this, instead of what too many people emphasize: Folding into the very institutions, systems, ideas, economies, and political choices that have gotten us into this mess in the first place.
For me personally, I have to now make another life style change (I’ve had so many, but apparently not far enough). Due to stress, addictive behavior, bad eating, and generally taking in too much of the toxic environment we’re all in, I had a rough time recently. After being diagnosed as diabetic on November 4 (this summer I was officially diagnosed as hypertensive), I ended up with the worse case of gallstones ever (this is my third time). I was in such pain, suffering through 13 hours at the local county hospital. In three days, I passed the stones, and even with Vicodin, the pain was excruciating. I apparently also contracted a throat infection while at the emergency. This has been kicking my behind for the past three weeks. I feel much better today, but all of this points to what I have to do.
I will beat this diabetes. I will also control the gallstones since I’ve decided not to get my gall bladder removed (one of the first things the doctors wanted me to do). But this means I have to be strict on what I eat, on exercising, on being hydrated. I must also lose around 50 pounds. I’ve carried this big gut for more than twenty years. It’s time for me to get back to a healthy weight and size, and I plan to do this as natural as possible.
Like our communities, our country, this planet, each of us has to get to the healthy balance and regenerative state that is in our means to do so. I have a wonderful family, a great cultural space/bookstore (Tia Chucha’s), and spiritual healing practices that have stood the test of time. I have important work—writing, traveling, speaking—and I’m living my passions. I now have to make sure I have the quality years left to continue being indispensable in this world.
Copyright 2010 by Luis Jr. Rodriguez
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